According to a recent survey, the traffic light coalition remains in a low mood. According to the ZDF “political barometer” published on Friday, if the Bundestag were to be elected next Sunday, she would again not have a majority in parliament. The SPD would come to 19 percent, the Greens would be stable at 21 percent and the FDP unchanged at five percent.

The Union of CDU and CSU reached 28 percent, which also corresponds to the value of the previous “Politbarometer”. The AfD loses one percentage point to 14 percent, the left increases one percentage point to six percent.

According to the “Politbarometer”, the majority of those surveyed are critical of the elimination of the obligation to isolate in several federal states. 62 percent are in favor of corona infected people having to continue to isolate themselves. 35 percent support the elimination. Five federal states recently decided to end the obligation to isolate people with corona infections. This triggered criticism, including from Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD).

When it comes to the controversy over the human rights situation in Qatar, the host country for the World Cup, half of the people in Germany don’t think the criticism goes far enough. According to the “Politbarometer”, 49 percent think they are not tough enough, 31 percent just right. Only 14 percent think they are exaggerated.

Qatar is currently hosting the soccer World Cup. The tournament in the Gulf Emirate is highly controversial because of the human rights situation there in Germany. Among other things, homosexuality is a punishable offense in the country.

The current “political barometer” is based on a nationwide survey of almost 1,300 eligible voters by the Mannheim research group Wahlen. The interviews were conducted between Tuesday and Thursday.

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