If the mother’s life is in danger, at the incest, and after rape, there are only three reasons for abortion:U.S. president Donald Trump can imagine, he writes on Twitter, in a series of posts in the ongoing abortdebatten in the united states, after several state government introduced the local, more stringent abortlagar.

Trump points out that ”as most people know I am strongly Pro-Life”, that is to say, for a general abortförbud, with the three exceptions, and that it is the same setting as that of the former president, Ronald Reagan had.


decided if the laws that are interpreted as an absolute ban on abortions, and then Missouri, and Georgia is on the way to strengthen the legislation, there have been voices within the christian right, who argue that one cannot have an absolute prohibition.

Among others, the influential tv evangelist Pat Robertson took the view that it goes too far, writes USA Today.

Trump’s statements seemed to be aimed at one of the Republicans in the issue before the election in 2020, he warned in a follow-up tweet that ”if we are foolish, and do not stand united, can, and will, our efforts quickly to be defeated”.