the Budget must be approved by congress, and since Democrats have the majority learn not to become a reality in its entirety. It is, however, an indication of the president’s priorities, and shows that he is ready for the new förhandlingsstrider on the wall along the U.S.’s southern border.

In december, the Democrats only less than $ 1.4 billion of the $ 5.7 billion (over 50 billion) that Trump asked for murbygget. It led to the longest shutdown of the apparatus of state in U.S. history, when the federal government partially shut down in 35 days.

the Democratic bid, but proclaimed instead a state of national emergency in order to be able to control if the military funds for the construction project. According to the New York Times will Trump even request compensation from congress for the $ 3.6 billion he has so far spent to begin construction, in addition to the 8.6 billion dollars requested in the new budget.

the Congress president, Nacy Pelosi, and the democratic president of the senate, Chuck Schumer, has already ”dödförklarat” the president’s request in a joint statement.

”the Congress refused to finance his wall, and he was forced to admit his defeat and open the government again. The same thing will happen if he makes a new attempt. We hope that he has learned his lesson”, they write according to the AP.

has been named ”A budget for a better united states: Promises kept. Taxpayers first”, and will apply from 1 October 2019 and a year ahead.

With a total of 4.7 trillion dollars, it is the largest federal budget ever in the united states. Among other things, to Trump increasing military spending by five percent, increase the appropriation for the work for opioid dependence and improve health care for veterans.

at the same time, he proposes a reduction of other government expenditure with a total of 2.7 trillion dollars over a ten year period, which also is a record-breaking total, writes the AP. Among those covered by the cuts are the environmental protection agency (EPA, department of agriculture, and Medicaid, the state program for health insurance.

1.1 trillion dollars next year, the highest in a decade. With a projected economic growth of 3.1 per cent, which many economists according to the AP looks like an optimistic figure, planned the budget to be in balance for 15 years.

During his presidential campaign promised Trump to ”do away with” the entire US national debt in eight years. The national debt is currently around 22 trillion dollars, two trillion more than when Trump took over.