Vapenlobbygruppen the NRA, the National Rifle Association, have long opposed the agreement, which will regulate the international trade in everything from small arms to fighter jets. President Barack Obama signed the agreement as early as 2013, but it has not yet been ratified in the united states.

be done in the future, according to Donald Trump. At the NRA annual meeting in Indianapolis on Friday, he said that he would withdraw the U.S.’s signature, while he promised to fight for vapenrättigheter.

” We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on our rights to bear arms. The united nations will soon receive a formal notification that the united states rejects this agreement. – I hope you are happy, he said to the applauding audience.

when he wants to try to mobilize the organization, which was essential in his election victory in 2016, but in recent years has become increasingly weakened and divided, writes the AP.

– You must make sure to get out and vote. 2020 seems far away, but it is not.

united nations-the agreement is mainly directed against illegal trade with small arms to be able to limit the violence in the world’s most troubled areas. American vapenaktivister, however, have seen the agreement as an intrusion on their property rights, despite the clear principle that no contract can trumfa the u.s. constitution, where the right to bear arms found in the second schedule.

vapenlagstiftning criticizes Trump’s decision to withdraw from the contract. Kris Brown, president of the Brady Campaign working against vapenvåld, called the decision an ”irresponsible move” that ”will only encourage terrorists and other dangerous players around in the world,” writes the AP.

Read more: the united states condemned Russian agent was trying to infiltrate the NRA