Donald Trump is explored. His lies were exposed, his intimidation countered, his tactics by watching.

Would it be fair to the world, is not likely to be this man President of the United States of America. So anyway, the Opposition thinks, and so most of the people think outside of the USA.

However, many of Trump’s opponents make it easy, with the object of their antipathy. In the night of Wednesday the US President will deliver his speech to the Nation. We print extracts. They are made up, totally fictitious, but not far-fetched.

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dear compatriots,

while I have you tonight accountability blotter about the great successes that has produced my policy in the past year, the clock is ticking mercilessly for thousands of Federal employees. Thousands of families continue to be kept in uncertainty, because the Democrats, led by the ultra-leftist Nancy Pelosi, an agreement in the household refuse to the dispute. Their suicidal, ideological narrow-mindedness prevents you from wanting America’s borders secure. You want that our country remains a refuge for Criminals, rapists and drug dealers. It is a shame!

And I will not hesitate, if the Democrats continue to take your small tactical political maneuver more seriously than the safety of the people of our country, the national emergency call out. When it comes to the lives and welfare of Americans, there can be no compromise. Not with me!

Mies-makers were Better informed

Although the lying Mainstream not stop the media to twist the facts, the success of my policy for all of the obvious. These are facts, not fables or interpretations: The Dow Jones is approaching the mark of 25,000. When I was elected two years ago to the President, he stood at 18,000. This makes a Plus of 7000. With 3.7 percent, the unemployment rate is at its lowest level since 1969, we are approaching full employment. The American economy is booming, business investment to rise as well such as the consumer. The enforced tax reform acts. All of the alarmists and sceptics have been proved wrong.

we Look at the energy prices. The prices for Oil have fallen rapidly, at the same time, crude oil production reached values constantly a new record. For the first Time in 75 years, America now exports more Oil than it imported. It makes our country independent and strong. With Canada and Mexico, I have concluded a new trade Pact for the United States, it is much cheaper than the old one. In particular, the US agriculture and automotive location benefit. Also with China, there will be a new agreement, reduced, in the first line of our trade deficit.

With me is not to read to be trifled with

In the left press you about all the very little. There, you hate me because you know I keep my word. Always. When I became President, I said that America would terminate the nuclear agreement with Iran, because it is the worst agreement is that our country has ever made. I’ve said that I’m going to move our Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. What I say is a promise, and promise, I think. It separates me from other politicians.

My opponents warned that Iran would now resume its nuclear weapons program, anti-American riots would capture the Muslim-Arab world. None of that happened.

Many other States to follow us to relocate their Embassy to Jerusalem. And the Regime in Tehran knows that it must be no Tricks. It is the largest Sponsor of international terrorism. If this is necessary for our national security or the security of Israel, I will not shy away from the use of military force.

Also, Nato has understood that not to be trifled with me. Many Western governments are now doing, to increase their defense spending. Finally! You know that it is lazy and cowardly of you to always rely only on the American leadership.

With North Korea that my Administration intensively in the conversation. Kim Jong-Un has announced the stop of all nuclear and missile tests. No other American President has managed to extract this promise.

Is the country better today?

With the fantastic Brett Kavanaugh I have not appointed the second judge of the Supreme constitutional court, the sacrifices, the words of our Constitution, the spirit of the times. The Democrats wanted to Kavanaugh destroy, they resisted his appointment, blocked the procedure. It is completely unfounded, vile maneuvers, which had the sole aim were to throw an impeccable man and his family with the Dirt.

When I became President, I promised to end America’s senseless wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Many thousands of American soldiers died, many trillions of American tax dollars were wasted in the desert sand. From Iraq we have deducted already, with the Taliban and the leadership in Afghanistan, we are negotiating intensively – after more than 17 years of military Intervention – on the modalities of withdrawal, and the Kurds in Syria will have to learn to survive without our protection. What we want in these countries? The “Islamic state” is defeated up to a few square kilometers of the territory controlled. I want to make America a great country, not Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan.

dear compatriots, judge for yourself: do you and our country better today than a year ago? We are on the right path? My government has contemptuously helped-made concepts such as decency, diligence and Fairness back to validity. The economy is so good as never, the justice speaks of law, in the External world we have gives us respect. I am proud of the achievements, very proud of. But we must not go all the way and the fate of our country ideologists once again, the machinations of the left, a lying press and a liberal Elite victims.

God bless you, and may God bless continue to our great country.

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