they gave Him a real thrashing, screaming, “Spanish fucking”. That is the statement of a few classmates of a student who passed away last Friday, was attacked outside the Faculty of arts of the University of basque public, in Vitoria. The Police investigates the brutal assault following a complaint lodged by the young, that accompany the testimonies of some of the companions that attended both shocked at the beating. First asked if it was part of a student association that defends the unity of Spain and immediately afterwards he was hit and kicked, which required five days of hospitalization.


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The History student, was assaulted on 19 hours, shortly after an association that defends the unity of Spain held an event at the Faculty of History. The boy needed a surgery to fix the nose and the cheekbone. The platform, protesting the proliferation of banners and tributes to eta in the university campus in the province. Sources close to the complainant ensure that it was indeed one of the promoters of this association that was created to “defend feeling of many students who feel basque and Spanish”, and to condemn the tributes that have been made to students on campus to members of ETA, “the basque country university (UPV/EHU looking off to the other side”.

once you know the event, the University of the Basque Country pointed out through a press release its condemnation of this “brutal aggression”. “The university condemns with absolute firmness the attack, expressed full support and solidarity to the affected person, and want your speedy recovery. Violence has Dumanbet no place in any university, nor out of it”, said the statement.

Sources of the UPV explained that in the past few weeks is detecting an increase of the tension between the radical groups of the extreme left that do not waiver in their tributes to eta and hanging posters with all sorts of symbology radical, and some of the students, a few, who begin to react, and they demand the same space for their claims. It has also happened in the campus of Leioa, Bizkaia, though in this there have been no attacks.

the convictions of fact have been joined by various political parties such as the PP, PNV and EH Bildu, for the time being. From the PP, its president Paul Married has reported that although ETA no longer stick “is still lacking freedom and the radicals roam free” and trusted that “these energúmenos be arrested as soon as possible and drop the full weight of the law.” In the same line, the popular leader in the Basque country, Alfonso Alonso, has sympathized with the young man to “defend their ideas in front of the intolerant” and has warned that it is a concern that the scenario has been the university, “where knowledge equals freedom”. The deputy general of Alava, Ramiro González (PNV). it has also emphasized that “if these facts do not fit in the society” is “especially troubling that occur at the university.”

The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, who has assured that those who defend the unity of Spain have the right to do so provided and when not used to this violence,” and added that “such violence is of interest to the most reactionary sectors of the State.” The mayor of Vitoria, Gorka Urtaran, also of the PNV, has supported the victim of this “brutal aggression” and has argued that Vitoria is a city with a “pluralistic and diverse, where there is no, nor violence, nor any infringement of human rights”.

Sources of the basque police are looking for the alleged perpetrators of the beating, but also to other young people that joined the assault. What is doing on the basis of some data that she provided the complainant and the companions of the victim.