It was late in the onsdagseftermiddagen as a family was out walking on the sea 6.5 kilometres from Skutskär 2 mil south of Gävle. During the walk suddenly fell the mother and the son in the family through the ice.

the Rest of the family had to go to the country where they alerted the emergency services.

and early Wednesday evening has been a great räddningspådrag to find the mother and the son. The area has been scanned, including rescue helicopter and divers.

Shortly after half past eight in the evening found two dead persons at the place where the mother and son disappeared. They are not yet formally identified but is most likely related to it, however, if the mother and the son, according to police.

if we have encountered two dead persons at the place where the mother and son disappeared, ” says Linda Wideberg, who is the police presstalesperson in the region of the Heart.

And adds:

– It is a terribly tragic event, ” says Linda Wideberg.