type class struggle that Kjell Britain Ropstads denominations Misjonskirken Norway is linked to the network “To the Entirety”, which will help people who have “unwanted sexual orientation”. I’m a little surprised that many from my teen conservative frikirkemiljø think the homosexual can be made heterosexual by prayer and therapy (read: healing).

But I’m mildly said shocked of a child and familieminister has the following passive comment that his own church is in this man-destroying the network: “The fact that I go to a church does not mean that I agree in everything said or done related to the church or organizations that the church is affiliated. I will have a spacious community where there is room for all”.

I have even grown up in Baptistsamfunnet, a kind of søstertrossamfunn to Ropstads Misjonskirke. In my time far in the closet did not exist “To the Entirety”. But we got to constantly hear that the feelings towards the same gender could disappear by prayer and conversation. Today those same environments there is for “sexual reorientering”. But this is the good part of healing.

FOR ALL: the Leader of the Free – association of gender and seksualitetsmangfold, Ingvild Endestad, hope Kjell Britain Ropstad being a minister for all. Video: Ingebjørg Iversen / Dagbladet / NTB Scanpix Show more

Well out of the closet in the mid 80’s I was not particularly interested in either sexual reorientering or a life of celibacy. Ward management found when the solution: I no longer have managerial responsibilities, but was “more than welcome to be involved in voluntary work and have kjøkkentjeneste during major events”.

After that I was not asked to take the re-election of many of my position as a 20-year-old, I said thank you for me. And the baptist church in Oslo was rid of a problem.

Since then have many christian “therapists” has been on the supply side towards homosexuals. The american movement, Exodus has been working with this since 1976. Also, many norwegians have participated in their seminars and camps. A few years after starting left two of the male founders of the movement divorced their wives and became girlfriends. In 2013 the organization was laid down with an apology that this type of therapy does not work and is very harmful for people.

– I read the newspapers and it goes on me,

Scandinavia was the Swedish “the Word of Life” Ulf Ekman in the lead, which led helbredelsesbølgen and claimed to have “freed” many a homosexual. A number of frikirkelige environments in Norway was also inspired by this work and the therapy-techniques to the american Exodus. Many initiatives appeared. I know many people who have visited. I know no one who has been “healthy”. Most was fortunately fine out of this.

But I know, unfortunately, all too many people who have never managed to create a happy homoliv after having tried everything to get another. They chose instead to end his life, by themselves.

the Voters turn thumbs down Ernas historic triumph Comment

Therefore, Kjell Britain Ropstad, so is your comment in the class struggle is not OK. Especially when one is seated at the king’s table and have responsibility for children, youth, and upbringing. You have no idea how many lives that this type of network has destroyed. And how many young lives that have been lost. I appreciate that you on Facebook on Saturday morning chose to write: “Before the case in the class struggle, and new tags are dealt: I take distance from the work with sexual reorientering. I’m child – and familieminister for all children, regardless of orientation, and for all familieformer. People must decide for themselves what lives they want to live and with whom.”

I choose to believe you. But then you have to not only take distance from the work with “sexual reorientering” as a politician. But you also need to be clear up in your church and in your denomination, say that you do not want to be a part of this network. I hope you will suggest that the “Whole” is laid down, because your church wants to help people to live their lives. As the whole people. Do you do it, you will surely lose some votes from all I see the shelves you on your Facebook page. But you will help save valuable lives. You will be welcomed into the Pride-the train, if you one day choose to change your mind.

Where is it more colorful than in the mørkemannsland.

Ropstad dissociate from the conversion of homosexuals