to listen To the parliamentary partiledardebatt last Wednesday was a bit like accidentally falling into a bunch of ungdomsförbundare sitting and arguing in the bar after the second day of a congress.
Everyone is talking about ideologies. Please note this: If the ideologies. It is not so much an ideological debate that we are having to do with, as a seminar about the semantic meaning of the different labels.
You probably know at this point how it usually sound like:
arcane reasons, have decided that the smartest way to engage in the opposition right now is that as soon as the opportunity arises to throw themselves into any kind of idéhistorisk panel discussion with Ulf Kristersson and Ebba Busch Thor. We three is a “conservative block”, says Åkesson.
Kristersson, typical ungdomsförbundare, object long-winded that he is not only conservative, but also liberal, and that Åkesson’ve only read every other page of the Research programme (which obviously must be the world’s konstigast composed the document). Busch Thor, more quick in repartee”, explains that she indeed is a christian democrat. Well, it has emerged.
in the opposition right wing.
you Ask Annie Lööf what time it is she will respond to “as a liberal, I am standing up to it is half past seven”. Jan Björklund will just pop up behind a corner and unsolicited to point out that it is correct that the clock is half past seven, and to fight for what is proper is an ideological battle that must be fought by the liberals throughout the western world.
It is important what you are, but also what you are not.
the last half of the year boiled down to that it is important to take the measurements from the various right-isms. So, even now. He has, therefore, become centerpartist, albeit more tacitly.
Far away in a corner is Jonas Sjöstedt and try to advocate a coherent, genuine ideological message of greater equality. Few are listening. But he has also made itself a little redundant, when it burned to the priority antipopulismen in front of socialism.
not a few lonely madmen. The obsession of talking about ideologies is widespread also in the rest of the opinions and commentaries of Sweden.
Is this then a problem? Maybe not, but it’s a little unclear what you intend to achieve with ältandet. The voters ‘ interest for exactly what ideological label people put on themselves and on the other is likely to be limited.
interesting survey by Demoskop, conducted just after the election in the autumn, denotes the 25 percent of the electorate as “liberals” in the first place.
It perhaps says something, but probably not so much. Given that the three representatives of the party, Liberals in general have at least four different perceptions of what a “real liberal” is so would it not be strange if the ordinary people’s definitions also differ slightly. For this speaks that 11 per cent of SD voters and 10 percent of the miljöpartisterna select the same liberal label.
Furthermore, one can suspect that many feel as a little bit of both. If not with the same burning passion as Ulf Kristersson.
, in the sentence the electorate, much more interested in what the results of policies are, than by what it is called.
A marknadshyras exact impact on the household economy is determined by many factors, but not whether it is called “social democratic” or “bourgeois”.
are probably more interested in it not happening again, than any ideological label that the sentiment can be linked to.
Get going in a tunnel devote enough thought to it as eight years earlier, took the first sod in front of the lokaltidningens camera really be called the “socialkonservativ”. And so on.
successful politicians in the 2000s, Fredrik Reinfeldt (M), spoke rarely or never about ideological labels – at the very least their own. It did not stop that he was deeply ideological, even (especially) when he claimed to represent “the public interest”.
His New moderate party, was addressed not to the “after” or “military”, but to “all people”.
, sometimes mocking, and Reinfeldt was duly for this. But with the benefit of hindsight – is that we have now really better..?
Read more: Conservatives KU-sign Löfven and Baylan
Ygeman: ”No, you may not violate the decisions of the government.”