the investigation is going on in the parliament’s constitutional affairs committee emanates from the revelations that DN did during the last year. The revelations focused on an evaluation of Sweden’s campaign to get a seat in the UN security council. The campaign succeeded and Sweden, completed his two-year spell in the security council at the beginning of the year.

When the DN was trying to get take note of the evaluation made by ambassador Anders Lidén became the first no. DN were then able to show that whatever was presented was not the whole of the report Anders Lidén submitted, and that the foreign MINISTRY tried to influence his description of the campaign.

was asked of the minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) out of KU. The conservatives Fredrik Schulte criticised how the foreign MINISTRY handled the Anders Lidéns report.

– it is done this way is serious because the principle is the core of american democracy, media, and the opposition can scrutinise the government, ” says Fredrik Schulte.

Read more: UD tried to change in the report about the campaign

Margot Wallström, claims that the report from Anders Lidén was an internal working material and therefore not a public document that shall be disclosed according to the principle of public access. To the parliamentary foreign affairs committee then had to take part of the full report was due, according to Margot Wallström that they needed to defend themselves against the accusations that the foreign MINISTRY tried to dark.

“Because it became a debate that looked like we tried to hide something so we invited the foreign affairs committee to look at everything,” says the minister.

asked critical questions to Margot Wallström about the slow handling of requests for access to part of the report. The minister admitted that the MINISTRY’s application of the principle of public access has been poor, something which has been highlighted also in previous KU-examinations initiated by reason of the DN articles.

” It is unacceptable that the MINISTRY of ports under fire for the handling of documents, she said and claimed that the work is conducted within the department to get to grips with the shortcomings.

the christian democrats Tuve Skånberg said that it is precisely the delays and the unclear information there is reason to be critical of. His assessment is that the UD is not in the first instance has acted to withhold information.

– When the backlog of documents to the end has come to our and the public’s awareness so it has proved that it is true that there was nothing to hide, ” says Tuve Skånberg.

Read more: MINISTRY for foreign affairs new criticism of JO for the slow handling of cases