During Saturday published DN Niklas Orrenius reports about the 30-year-old yazidiskan Jamila held as a slave of the terrorist organisations IS. Her description of what she and other yazidiska women and children subjected to by the IS-terrorists have created strong reactions – including the Swedish government.
Several other countries, including the united states and the EU parliament has recognized it IS makes against yazidier and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria as a genocide.
no to a riksdagsmotion in October 2017, to recognise, which the UN described as a genocide. DN has asked the question to the minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström why the government have not wanted to endorse a recognition and what the government’s stance is today. In a written comment writes the minister of foreign affairs:
”Jamilas story on the situation of yazidiska women imprisoned in the ICE similar to the horrific testimony I heard from the other yazidiska women. No man should have to endure such a thing. Tremendous massövergrepp have taken place in Syria and in Iraq, it would be able to move on genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. It is what I know yet none of the courts that have taken a position on how the abuse against yazidierna be categorized. The most important thing, regardless of categorization, is that the vulnerable get the support and help and for accountability of those responsible for the crimes”.
came after the second world war, in 1948, in order to prevent genocide. Genocide is defined according to the united nations as ”acts committed with the intention to completely or partly destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such”.
The case of acts: killing members of the group, to add members of the group causing serious bodily or mental harm, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life intended to bring about its physical destruction, implementation of measures intended to prevent birth within the group and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Video: if the evidence in the DN: The most sickening I’ve read
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