The prime ministers of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, Hendrik Wüst (CDU) and Stephan Weil (SPD), have urged Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to speed up the planning process of all things. A corresponding letter is available from the dpa news agency. The “Spiegel” had previously reported on it.

Central infrastructure projects by the federal and state governments are to be implemented more quickly in the future. A federal-state working group is to explore how this could be done. According to the letter from the two prime ministers, the body has not yet met despite repeated requests from the federal states.

In view of the importance of the topic, this is very regrettable. A draft of a corresponding pact was drawn up in November 2022. Because is the chairman, Wüst is his deputy in the Prime Ministers’ Conference.

Wüst had already warned at the beginning of December 2022 against putting off the acceleration of planning and approval processes. He criticized the fact that the topic had been taken off the agenda at the prime ministers’ conference in December as disappointing.

Wüst sees the reason for years of lawsuits in German planning law. This calls into question the state’s ability to act and harms democracy. The state has done “madness” to itself.