Several british media outlets, among them Reuters, and Sky News, report that they gained access to a draft decision that was prepared for the deliberations in Brussels.

it appears that EU leaders are inclined to go along with a postponement of a Brexit – but not necessarily to the 30 June, as the Uk’s prime minister Theresa May proposed.

would have been, are in the document, only the text ”XX.XX.XXXX”. It is because there are different views among EU leaders on whether a short or long postponement is preferable.

the Idea is that the british should be given the opportunity to leave the EU no earlier than the date, if utträdesavtalet eventually voted through.

Consists låsningarna in the british parliament on 22 may, must, however, british participation in the EUROPEAN elections, as the other member states.

it will be a yes to a postponement of Brexit is not. As recently as three weeks ago, the british deferral to april 12, and several countries, among them France and Spain, are now showing signs of frustration over the slow handling of the EU-exit.

president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron wants to debate for the EUROPEAN elections should be about his federalist vision and the fight against what he sees as a destructive nationalism – not about the Brexit. If he sees Mays appeal for more time as meaningless, and Macros take the drastic decision to put France’s veto of an advanced EU-exit.

a Lot is about how credible the british prime minister sounds like when she on Wednesday night (behind closed doors) setting out the blocköverskridande calls with the Labour party which is now underway.

13.00: Theresa May answers questions in the british parliament. The tone of the exchange may say something about how the negotiations with the Labour party goes. Also the level of indignation among the Mays colleagues is worth to keep an eye on.

17.00: EU leaders begin arriving for the summit in Brussels. Brief interviews.

18: 00: the Summit starts behind closed doors. Theresa May explains why she wants more time (again), and answer questions from the 27 other EU leaders. Then, she was forced to leave the room while discussions continue. The last time came not the EU’s reply, until at the 23-time Swedish time.

eye at the same time: in London meet the ruling party, the Tory members in the house of commons from the clock 18 in the so-called 1922 committee (behind closed doors, as every Wednesday). If something unexpected or for members outrageous leaking out from the summit in Brussels, the dissatisfaction with the Theresa Mays leadership reach to storm the fortress.