The UN children’s charity Unicef, according to some eleven million children and young people in need of humanitarian aid in Yemen. Every ten minutes a child die of a preventable disease, inform the Agency. On Monday, the UN said that two-thirds of the population, nearly 20 million people, suffer from Hunger. the

the situation in The war, the country of Yemen is devastating. 20 million people – about two-thirds of the population – suffer according to the UN, Hunger. The children’s Fund, Unicef, warns that it is for minors in the country is particularly bad. “Yemen is today a hell on earth for millions of children,” says the regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Geert Cappelaere.

Around eleven million children and young people under the age of 18 years, need humanitarian aid in Yemen, said in a recent Unicef report. The 80 percent of children and adolescents in the country. Estimates of the Agency, according to which seven million children do not have enough to eat and are on the verge of a famine. 1.8 million children under the age of five are acutely malnourished, around 400 000 of them life-threatening.

More than two million do not go to school

on Average, every ten minutes a child in Yemen dies according to Unicef, of preventable diseases. The auxiliary plant is also one of infectious diseases such as Cholera and malnutrition. There is a lack of a reliable access to drinking water, sanitation and sufficient Hygiene. A minimum of 2596 children were killed by the attacks.


And the world is watching

In Yemen, most of the heavy fighting raging for months, hundreds of people died. Half of the population is at risk of an acute famine. Hopes for a speedy ceasefire have been dashed. By Paul-Anton Krüger

According to the report, around 1.5 million children are also in their own country on the run. More than two million did not go to school, every fifth school was out of operation. Also, the health care functioning only to a limited extent.

The UN children’s Fund calls for a political solution to the immediate end of the Yemen war. Children were protected under all circumstances. Helpers would need to get access. To do this, there is a need for international pressure and a long-term financial support. You should not leave the children in Yemen to their fate, says the Chairman of Unicef Germany, Georg Graf Waldersee.

In Yemen, support for more than three years, one of Saudi Arabia led a coalition of Sunni-based regime in the fight against the Shiite Houthi rebels. This, in turn, are supported by Iran.