TV Bassie and Adriaan have today is a ‘lost’ episode from their famous series ‘The Secret of the Key ” from 1978 on their YouTube channel posted. It comes to an episode for which the original roll of film after a single broadcast is lost. The only thing that is left, is a copy on videotape.

“The quality is unfortunately not good enough to release on dvd,” says Aad van Toor. “Fortunately, we can now through our YouTube channel, the episode yet to show everyone. It is going to be unique.”

With the placing of the episode to celebrate Bass (83), and Aad van Toor (76) that they have 100.000 subscribers and more than 70 million views have been achieved on their channel. Each day, the videos of the duo is still thousands of times viewed. The number of views grows monthly even with more than 3 million hits.


Also on iTunes and Spotify is still massively listened to the songs of the two. Bas and Aad van Toor vomiting in the sixties as acrobatenduo The Crocksons and traveled all over the world with their stoelenact. Then she went as Bassie & Adriaan further.

The two were the last 35 years seen in a large number of television series, including ‘The Teaser’, ‘The Diamond’ and ‘The Secret of the Key”. Recently, there was a huge box with all Bas and Aad van Toor ever made for television.