The US aircraft manufacturer Boeing has for the first time, given to errors in the flight simulation software for its machines of the type 737 MAX. Boeing have made corrections to the program and the user informed of the company said to the AFP news Agency.

Boeing is currently fighting a re-registration of the machine. With the Changes to the Software should ensure that the flight simulation “was not representative for various flight conditions”, it said in an E-Mail to AFP. With the communication from Boeing admitted for the first time, that there was a design error in a Software to the machines of the type 737 Max.

cooperation with the Supervisory authority

the Software will be trained as pilots for the new Boeing models, from those in the past few months two machines were crashed. In the meanwhile, the Amendment relates to the organization, according to the operation of a rarely used manually operable control Wheel, the flight angle of the machine can be changed.

Boeing is not informed, when the Problem with the simulation software, it was noticed, and whether the competent regulatory authority is informed thereof. The company is insured, however, is that it work with the changes to the Software work closely with the regulatory authorities to ensure that the pilot training could proceed unhindered.

Not for critical situations

Boeing, according to the flight simulation software is not capable of certain flight conditions to simulate those similar to that in the crash of a 737-MAX-machine of Ethiopian Airlines in March in Ethiopia, or a Lion-Air-machine of the same type in October in Indonesia ruled. In the case of the two accidents, a total of 346 people were killed.

After the two crash a world-wide ban on flights for 737-MAX has been imposed-machines. In both cases, the specifically for the Boeing 737 MAX developed stabilization system MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System) is suspected to have a devastating role played. It pushes in the case of an impending flow, the nose of the aircraft demolition down automatically, even if the pilots are against taxes.

On Thursday had notified Boeing that the company had completed a Software Update for machines of the type 737 MAX. A total of 207 flights with a total duration had been flown 360 hours with the updated stabilization system MCAS. Before the 737 MAX can record the operation of the aircraft again, you must agree to the US-aviation authority FAA re-approval. US airlines expect that the machines must stand out from August.

flight supervisors at odds

The airline Southwest Airlines, with 34 737-MAX machines in your fleet is a large consumer of the type of aircraft, told AFP that it expected for the end of the year with the new Software. American Airlines stated that it had ordered a 737-MAX-flight simulator, which is expected to be delivered in December. Because of the ongoing investigation of the two plane crashes, the airline search in coordination with the FAA, but after additional training opportunities.

According to FAA data, there are in the United States, only a single flight simulator, the specially prepared flights with the 737 MAX, and this is owned by Boeing. From the industry circles, it was said, otherwise only Air Canada have such a Simulator. US airlines train their pilots on simulators for the 737 NG, a previous model, the 737 MAX, the new type of machine. The 737 NG does not, however, about the MCAS System.

The FAA does not consider Training to flight simulators is absolutely necessary. The pilots, as well as the canadian aeronautical authority, see, however, is different. The FAA will try on Thursday at an international Meeting in Texas Fort Worth, to convince the regulatory authorities of other countries, of the reliability of the authorisation process, the revised 737 MAX. (roy/SDA)

Created: 19.05.2019, 06:49 PM