A blizzard with the name Harper is currently attracting across the United States: the perfect excuse for critics to scoff at the global warming. Also, the Us president, Donald Trump had said: “A little global warming would now come in handy”. But so simple of course not.

Despite the U.s. shutdown are some of the meteorologists of The National Weather Service (NWS), the U.s. weather station, to return to work. They are not paid, but the conditions are extreme, so accurate weather forecasts are important. the

Currently attracts a low-pressure system or a polar vortex over the United States, creating quite a bit of snow falls from the sky. In addition, it is freezing cold. But that cold is not the meteorological evidence that the global warming is a myth. On the contrary, is Gavin Schmidt, a researcher and climatologist at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies of NASA. “You have to look at the long-term trends,” he explains.

also Read He does it again: Trump used heavy snowstorm as a memorandum to global warming, to spot

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Climate versus weather

About this are the scientists agree. They emphasize the difference between climate and (extreme) weather conditions. So can we define climate as “average weather over a certain period of thirty years. A climate is not stable and it may be due to natural or human influences change”. One harsh winter, or some winter days say nothing about the climate or the global warming.

But the opposite applies? Are the climate and the global warming it is responsible for the extreme winter weather that passed through the United States pulls? Probably has something to do with it, but extreme weather is the direct consequence of global warming call it that, is short-sighted. We can say that the chance of extreme weather increases as the earth warms up.

Polar vortex in Belgium

Also in Belgium this week with a real cold snap, caused by the so-called polar vortex or poolwervel. That means that there is a low pressure area is active in the area of one of the poles of the earth. Which vertebra is now split into three and the individual air currents moving in the direction of the United States and Europe. This can make it a lot colder.