Science & Planet is One of the largest structures ever built were made by a insectensoort: so called researchers, a giant termietenstad that they are in the northeast of Brazil have discovered. He would be about 4,000 years old and a whopping 200 million hills count, which extend over an area as large as Great Britain.
The discovery was made by workers in that country to reclaim to pasture. There were taken samples of 11 hills – which still are used by the insects – and these turned out to be between 690 and 3.820 years old. This would mean that the oldest are built in the same period as the pyramids of Cheops.
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“The hills are no nests, but are formed by the excavation of a giant network of tunnels,” said the researchers in the scientific journal Current Biology. These tunnels give the insects access to dead leaves that they eat and that they are on the bottom of the forest. In the course of the centuries was 10 cubic kilometers of ground moved, which corresponds to about 4,000 times the volume of the great pyramid of Giza. “The 200 million hills are, on average, 2.5 metres high and have a diameter of 9 metres.” (read on below)