As a result of global warming, there are cases in some regions, more extreme rain, according to a study by the Potsdam Institute for climate impact research (PIK). Since 1980, the number of the record wet months in the USA or Europe. In the southern hemisphere there is, however, more dryness and drought. the

Because of global warming, there are regional more extreme rainfall or longer drought to drought. A study by the Potsdam Institute for climate impact research (PIK), which was presented on Wednesday on the sidelines of the UN climate change conference in the Polish city of Katowice.

Therefore, suffer some of the East and the middle of the USA, Northern Europe and Northern Asia increasingly under heavy rains, with partly devastating Floods. In contrast, in most African regions, more frequently in months with little rain.

The study is the information provided by the PIK, the first to systematically analyze the changes in the monthly record precipitation events and quantifies, based on data from around 50 000 weather stations from 1980 to 2013. In time, the number of record is roughly in the Eastern and Central regions of the United States months of wet increased by more than 25 percent. The researchers estimate that about one in every six rain record is a direct result of climate change.

A Central conclusion from the study is that the land regions in the tropics and subtropics in General, the records and the Northern middle to high Latitudes will experience more Dry more wet records. This corresponds broadly to the Patterns, the scientists, the man-made climate change expect, it said. The authors of the study called it a concern, “that we already see at just one degree of global warming a significant increase in such Extreme”. The Team of Jascha Lehmann published the work in the Geophysical Research Letters.