Science The christmas season is one of peace and joy. Not for nothing are the most babies conceived during the holidays. But that is due to the cold winter air bringing us closer to each other crawl, by the revelry that our faster unprotected does sex, or is it something completely different?

The reproduction of man, animals and plants is seasonal. But why that is, it was long time a mystery. And mysteries, which are being investigated. Already since the 19th century scientists to figure out why most of the women pregnant during winter holidays and give birth in the summer. the

In some countries, some local habits a statement. So led traditional zomerhuwelijken in catholic communities, such as in Poland, to a veritable baby-boom nine months later. But such marriages are first of all not everywhere in the world, a tradition. Secondly, they are mainly for births in the autumn and winter. Tie the knot, therefore, is not a decisive factor.

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However, over the years, clearly that the number of births per season strongly correlates with the geographical location and associated temperatures. The further you travel to the north, the more children will be born in april. While in southern countries, including South Africa, greater geboortepieken see in months such as november.

Researchers brought the global geboortepieken map. From this it seems clear that humans, like other animals and plants, is subject to environmental factors. Think of changes in temperature and day length. In that way, try the nature babies the best chance of survival. Rural dwellers are much more subject to environmental factors than urban populations, making them significantly more children during warmer periods.

of course, this happens not just. Babies born in winter are, for example, is much more susceptible to infectious diseases including measles, rubella and chickenpox. The colder it is, the more susceptible a young child for such diseases. This is particularly true for poorer sections of the population.


But in the northern hemisphere seems that seasonality is slightly declining. The man is less sensitive to the seasons. Many work indoors, enjoy early in the morning until late in the evening of artificial light that the actual day length camouflages. And let the most important factor to remember: birth control what zwangerschapsplanning.