Moorslede This muurhagedis on their own, less than 1,500 miles. Not on foot, but by plane from Italy to our country. Wim Trio, consultant at plantencentrum Floralux in Dadizele, found the animal in the greenhouses of the case. It is probably to the Italian ruïnehagedis.

“The lizard is most likely a plant had come from Italy. During the packing must remain seated. In our case, smell the freedom,” says animal lover Wim Trio. He was about the little creature of about 7 inches long because it would freeze to death outside. The Italian ruïnehagedis may be lucky.


“I took the reptile first home and brought it then to the SOS Reptile in Houtave in Zuienkerke”, says Wim. There must be the animal’s first few weeks in quarantine. “Because wild reptiles from warm countries are susceptible to parasites,” says Mario Goes to SOS Reptile. According to him, it happens quite often that small reptiles travel plants to garden centres. “The last month were also three small geckos from a few centimeters large. They were from China, the Philippines and Hungary”, said Mario Goes. The small reptiles are not protected or prohibited species, and will eventually be made available for adoption. Who wants to know more about the functioning of SOS Reptile or a contribution want to give, can be found on the website