“We have a really nice feeling in the group, and it will arrive out on the ice,” says Durgårdens goalkeeper Lovisa Berndtsson.

On Wednesday night drew a national CHAMPIONSHIP quarterfinals, which will be determined in best-of-five matches, in time.

Seriesexan Djurgården are in the kvartsfinalserien against serietrean Linköping, and also of Linköping in advance are favourites to take semifinalplatsen showed the First strong season finale that they are on the right path and can peel.

Something that also occurred in the first quarter-final, which was held in Linköping on Wednesday night.

first period brought the guests over.

Josefine Holmgren began målskyttet when she made the 1-0 on the powerplay in the second period five minutes.

with just Over two minutes later increased the Josefin Bouveng on the lead to 2-0, also on the powerplay. A new 17-year-old juniorlandslagsspelare then became tvåmålsskytt when she is in the beginning of the third period made the 3-0.

” She is absolutely amazing, and she just gets better and better every day. It is fun to see that she is playing with such confidence despite the fact that she is so young, ” says Lovisa Berndtsson if lagkompisen Josefin Bouveng.

the goal took the Linköping out the goalie with four minutes left of normal time, but it ended with another two goals of Djurgården.

On Saturday, played the second quarter-final, then in Stockholm.

” We’ll enjoy this victory for a few hours, then just reload. We know that there will be at least as hard a job in the next match, ” says Lovisa Berndtsson.

the Swedish masters Luleå is guldfavoriter also in the year, and Luleå also won easily with 6-0 over AIK in the Wednesday night quarterfinals.

Serietvåan Modo ended up while in the 0-1-disadvantage against Brynäs, but could then turn around and win easily with 4-1.

The best the quarter-finals, it was, as expected, the between Leksand and HV71, where HV won 3-2.

Read more: Skrälläge for Djurgården in the Swedish CHAMPIONSHIP-quarterfinals