The spectators in the Stadion an der Alten forsterei have seen in this so far successful season. Goalkeeper Rafal Gikiewicz scored against Heidenheim in the balance, Sebastian Polter succeeded in the Comeback, a goal of the month. There were goals in the last Minute, the offset of the Fanvolk in ecstasy. What is the home of the 1. FC Union against the 1. FC Köln happened on Thursday evening, a few moments after kick-off, exceeded these emotional outpourings, however.

A cross from Suleiman Abdullahi took Marcel Hartel with the chest, the Cologne-born turned slightly and put the case back down. After hand stopped 25 seconds, the Ball is lowered behind Timo Horn in goal, and apart from the bulging Cologne Block of the stadium to stand on their head. The 1. FC Union led 1:0, increased before the mid-term by Florian Hübner and won 22012 viewers 2:0 (2:0) against the big rise favorites. As a result, the Berlin back in third, just two points behind the Cologne on the direct promotion place.

game of the week as a foretaste of the future

half an hour before the kick-off for the crunch match of the Second League as a taste of what was to be the future that you 1. FC Union is no more hope too far away. The stadium was sold out for weeks, with numerous buses traveling to, visiting fans filled your Block up to the last square and Union Fans were singing even louder than usual. In short: The mood was top notch. A preliminary peak was reached, as Michael Parensen, who had contested on the day exactly ten years earlier, his first game for the Berlin, with a thunderous “football God” was welcomed.

For a place in the starting lineup, it was not enough for the veteran, but as expected. Union Swiss coach Urs Fischer renounced experiments. Also new signing Carlos Mané sat initially on the bench. Cologne’s coach Markus at the beginning of the beginning of the Bundesliga-experienced new entrants, Florian Kainz and Johannes Geis.

Berlin’s quick start seemed to unnerve the Cologne but not too much, and the guests took the Initiative. Union barely managed to keep the Ball for more than two stations, and Cologne was a lot of pressure. Flank to flank sailed into the Berlin penalty area, but Marvin Friedrich and Florian Hübner made her reputation as the best Central defender Duo in the League. After 29 minutes Cologne had 78 percent possession of the ball, by Dominick Drexler but only one clear Chance. Then Felix Kroos took the free-kick, Christopher Trimmel crossed, Florian Hübner headed and all of a sudden it was 2:0. It was only the second pits of the Berlin.

Reichel bring Cologne back in the game

Now, Cologne was shocked, and for the Union for more opportunities by Reichel and bachelor parties. It went quickly and the hosts were lucky that goal machine Simon Terodde missed two good opportunities. The injury substitution of Sebastian Polter, he was replaced by Sebastian Andersson, and a offside goal by Grischa Prömel ended an eventful first half.

After the break, a certain Cologne, the game was once again clear, but hardly dangerous in the penalty area. Andersson had to Union two chances, but then Ken Reichel decimated Berlin’s completely unnecessary. At the Cologne penalty area, he met with his players for 25 minutes before the end, in the face and had to with Yellow-Red from the square. Cologne ran well, even more vehement, of the Relegated to the ideas and Gikiewicz was missing but thought, what came to his goal. Parensen was allowed to help at the end to bring victory over time. The chances are that the Union plays next season on a regular basis in such a high class framework, they have risen a little again.

More about

1. FC Köln 1 The. FC Union is confident in the top-of-the-game

David Joram

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