A 51-year-old chinese woman, Zeng, who is a big supporter of alternative medicine, was very close to die, when she sprayed fruit juice directly into his veins.

It writes multiple media, including the BBC and Metro.

Zeng sprayed fruit juice, consisting of more than 20 different fruits into his veins with the help of a homemade needle. It tells a staff member from Xiangnan university hospital in Hunan for the BBC.

The 51-year-old Zeng quickly got the fever, and at the same time it started to itch everywhere on her body. She did not, however, something about it and failed to seek out a doctor.

But frugtjuicens effect began to have very serious consequences, which led to damage to both the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.

It is in no way a good idea to spray fruit juices into your blood stream. It is very fatal. Photo: Colourbox

It was only when her husband asked Zeng what was wrong with her, that the 51-year-old woman was hospitalized in a hospital in Guiyang in China. Here she was treated in an intensive care unit for five days.

the Doctor Liu Jianxiu to the local chinese media told that Zeng had got a serious infection that had attacked her heart, kidneys and liver.

She had to fight for his life when she had contracted a blood infection, which meant her internal organs began to fail. The doctors put Zeng in a dialysis treatment to clean the frugtjuicen out of her blood. And she also got antibiotics.

the doctors had the 51-year-old Zeng stated that she had sprayed frugtjuicen into his blood, because she thought that it was healthy and nutritious.

the Case has received a lot of attention on China’s answer to Facebook, called Weibo.

the Extra Leaf has contacted a bachelor degree in nutrition and health Preben Vestergaard Hansen from Copenhagen College to get some comments on the strange case:

– In my 30 years in the healthcare industry, I have never heard anything so crazy. It might have something to do with the fact that many now grow food as a kind of religion. And it is here that the chamber of.

– In this case, there may be about an unclean needle, if she has sprayed it directly into the blodårene.

– In the food, both fruit sugar and sucrose (white sugar, red.), a substance, which, like many other nutrients should be split down in order to be included in the body. She injects molecules into the blood vessels, which normally are not present here. And the blood levels can respond to and f.ex. form blood clots.

She was among other things a so-called septicemia. What caused it?

– In this case, there may be about an unclean needle, if she has injected it directly into blodårene. But it may also have something to do with the impurities in the juice. Fruit juices are heat treated, but not sterilised. So she can easily have got both bacteria and virus in the body, says Preben Vestergaard Hansen, who stresses that you should never spray fruit juices into your blood stream.

fruit Juice should only be drunk. Photo: Colourbox