“That Zlatan Ibrahimovic can be quick-tempered is perhaps nothing new.”

“Former teammate Andy van der Meyde tells about a time when he gave Zlatan a kiss.”

“It ended up that he got himself a real kiss.”

“Dutchman Andy van der Meyde, who among other things has played in Inter, was a teammate with Zlatan Ibrahimovic during his time at Ajax.”

“In an interview with the Dutch tv-program VTBL he told an anecdote about the Swedish superstar.”

“I was sitting next to Zlatan on the bus one time when we played in Ajax,” said van der Meyde, according to TuttoMercato.”

“Then I remember that he had fallen asleep and I kissed him on the mouth.””

“”a Few seconds later I receive the two strokes.””

“Andy van der Meyde put the shoes on the shelf in 2012. He participated in 17 caps for Holland during his career and won the Italian cup with Inter 2004u002F05.”