In Almtunas förlustmatch towards Karlskrona blurted Lucas Sandström down arsenal Oscar Leander Olsson after a duel with Karlskrona August Nilsson. Sandström got matchstraff directly and it is clear now that the player also gets a eleven games long shutdown of the Swedish ice hockey association.

In the decision is the following:

”Lucas Sandström has good views and is considered to be completely aware that it is the linesman he shoves, let alone to get up to the opponent. Behavior, to physically be a judge in this way, is completely unacceptable and should lead to a substantially reduced punishment.”

he did not know that the linesman was on his way into the situation, and despite the fact that the association of the decision, claiming that arsenal had been able to avoid the situation takes no account of sandström’s objection.

This is the third time the Lucas Sandström punished by the disciplinary board. He has previously been convicted of ”fighting” and in addition once in the past for violence against judges, the so-called ”physical abuse of official”. In the latter case, he waved the kneeling hammer at the referee’s skate.

the Suspension means that Lucas Sandström miss the rest of the season.