(procycling.no): 34 million pounds (over 360 million Norwegian kroner (nok) has been budget to the Sky the sista years, about twice as much as many of the other WorldTour teams have money to spend.

Wednesday’s message that the Sky stops sykkelsponsingen in the team, was disheartening in its form – but ’Argyle chief’ Jonathan Vaughters, nevertheless, believe it will come something good out of the change.

Since its inception in 2010 has Sky budget increased from more moderate 14,6 million pounds in oppstartsåret, to 34.5 million pounds in 2017. This is according to figures from The Inner Ring.

Of these the money has the british team secured the best riders, the best hjelperytterne, the best støttepparatet, lagbussen and so on, and so on.

Gives the Sky to blame

Vaughters, who has guided the team we know today as the EC Education Deadline-Drapac since 2007, have experienced that several sponsorater have glippet between his fingers.

American believes that Team Sky towering economic position has made sponsorjakten even more difficult.

– Sky dominance was the main reason why you are not as new sponsors arrive at the sport. If another sponsor, says: – Hello, we have 15 million pounds to spend, we can then win the Tour de France? So is the answer to it: – No, because it is a team of over 30 million pounds which crushes all, ” says Vaughters to The Guardian.

He tells us that the betting his had a budget of 12.7 million pounds (less than 135 million) in 2017. Ahead of the 2018 thought Vaughters he had a new sponsor on the fork (the media company Oath) before the forsvangt – as was instead the Swedish språkreiseoperatøren EC rescue in 12. time.

Have changed the rules of the game

The former US Postal and Crédit Agricole-rider now hope that sponsoratene within the sport will give its result in a healthier competitive conditions, if Dave Brailsford would not end up pulling a new milking cow out of the sleeve.

– You can look at this as a kind of oppvekking. We need a system where teams are given guarantees for their rightful place in the topprittene, so that you can build up equity. Right now, it’s not really worth some thing to owning a cycling team. It is when one realizes such things that you understand how important it is to change the model, ” says Vaughters in an interview with Press Association Sport.

On Twitter pointed out Vaughters that he was even taunted by Brailsford when his team struggled to find a new sponsor last fall, but that he would not avail themselves of the chance to dance on the grave of their’ now.

He let it still shine through that he thinks the emergence of the british superlaget has changed the sport more than he is comfortable with the last few years.

– It is never good when a team leaves the sport, but Team Sky spent twice as much money as the next team on the list. Other sponsors who could have been interested to get into the 15-20 million pound end, was psyket out – because no matter had not been it most made. Sky changed the part of the sport our on their own, and it has not been good for business at all.

– Brailsford does not know what the budget is

How teams will earn money in the future, is the big question WorldTour teams, the UCI, Velon, CPA, and the other interesseorganisasjonene around italy are going to have to find out.

Even Sky are struggling to find revenue within the current model. The Tall cyclist.co.the uk has collected shows that as late as in 2013, 93 percent of team’s revenues from sponsoratet.

Think the Sky commander has a “sponsor in my pocket” after sjokkbeskjeden

the Key for a sport which has neither income from ticket sales or exceedingly the sale of supportereffekter, is to acquire a larger share of the pie from TV rights. Where within the football world get billions thrown both in the Premier League and the Champions League, so sit sykkelsjefene still left with the crumbs.

Comment: “Why not start with a phone call to Oleg Tinkov?”

This is also a factor that has given Sky position they have had in the last few years, as competitors are unable to scrape together the large set of more money than the respective sponsoratene holds.

– I don’t think Dave (Brailsford) even know how to operate a team with a budget, and if he knew it, he had not governed the dominant team. Until now he has been able to sell a safe Tour de France triumph to the sponsors. To continue with it, he needs enough of a gullavtale. So I am considering it, he is forced to find a blueprint for Cloud-sponsoratet, if not completed.

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