Pope Francis is due to homosexuals in the Church in concern. “In our societies, it seems that homosexuality is not a fashion, and this mentality affects in some way also the Church,” he said in an Interview in Spanish, to be published on Monday in a book. Gay people in the clergy and in seminaries were causing him Worry, it was a “very serious matter”. People with “this deep-rooted tendency” should not be allowed his opinion, in seminaries or religious orders.

From the Community

Fun Fact: Homo-sexual living beings exist on earth for approximately 2 billion years ago – the Catholic Church only since about 2000 years. Ask yourself, what is the fad…

…writes user magberlin

It was a “mistake” to believe that Gays in the priestly training “be so bad” and homosexuality is a Form of Affection. “In the consecrated life and priestly life this kind of Affection has no place.” The statements are from the Interview-book by the author Fernando Prado, with the title “La fuerza de la vocaciĆ³n” (the force of The appeal) to appear in multiple languages, and the German press-Agency pre-existed. This is the Argentine Pope Francis speaks about the vocation and the consecrated life.

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living up to one’s homosexuality, the Catholic Church rejects. Francis argues, however, against the discrimination of Gays and lesbians. However, the homosexuals were disappointed in sexual believers, in the hope that Francis would actually take a different way in the Catholic doctrine. Also at the youth Synod in October, it became clear that the issue of homosexuality for the time being, no fundamental Changes. (dpa)