Totally unprepared, Wolfgang Hillmann was not. On Monday evening, the President of the German Hockey Federation (DHB) got a call from Markus and this is the note that the next Morning an Open letter to him and three other former national coaches to the States would be published in the DHB. Way, Bernhard Peters, Peter Lemmen, and Jamilon Mülders expressed in your Letter, the published, among other things, the daily mirror, their concern about the developments in the DHB.

“A little bit surprised at the move by the former national coach has me already, but you worry and effort to this Sport,” says Moritz furstenau, the with Peters the world Cup titles won and with the way the Olympic champion. In the Association’s headquarters in Mönchengladbach, the former national coach have triggered with their versions of some excitement. President hill man should not have attacked felt, although it was nothing to do with him. Hill man, since 2015, in the office, is to certify on the contrary, that he was someone, the active binding and with his compensation type, the Position of the DHB in the international associations significantly improved.

Ex-DHB-President Stephan Abel: “this is something you make for no reason”

the word of four former national coach has in the scene, by nature, large weight. “In the Open letter is good and right things,” says Friedel Stupp, since almost 23 years, the country trainer in Berlin, in addition, the Bundesliga team of the BHC has trained. “This is already fierce,” he says, on the Initiative of four former national coach. “But it is a sign that it is burning. You seem to care, though, at least, Bernhard Peters, and Markus have been dealing with the Hockey.“ Peters has most recently worked as a Junior Director at the football second division club, Hamburger SV, way is for 2015 in a managerial function for the new Academy of the German football Association.

If Stupp on the weekends on the Berlin Hockey places on the way, he experiences in his own words a lot of dissatisfaction and a lack of understanding. Often he is asked: “What are they doing in Mönchengladbach? The with wars at all, what happens to the base?“ He has found that the’ve changed the internal ratio of the Association and also the manners. “The Management of conflicts used to be another,” says Stupp. “I have the impression that the DHB is no longer really together.”

Heino Knuf, the sports Director of the DHB, sees the letter as a “note that you should be in the Hockey family together sensibly”. With the Form he’s got no Problem with that, “she is definitely much better, than to write anonymous letters.” A month ago, an unknown letter-writer had the States in Hockey-Bund criticised, of a “System of fear” reported, “inhuman Hire & Fire policy” and the destruction of functioning structures. Especially Vice-President Remo was Laschet addressed. To its Tasks also the four former national coach disturb in your Open letter. He clubs “various ministries”, is there.

“I’ll go in all the crucial points,” said Stephan Abel, the former DHB President, now honorary President. “These are not considered people, so anything you do for no reason. It shows their fear that, in the DHB, some things are not in order, and will not stay in the hockey world unheard of.“

Obscure personnel decisions, the dispute on the future of the Association structure, the difficult balance between the interests of clubs and national teams – there are some difficult issues. Honorary President Abel calls, therefore, on the “structure, content and human consequences”. Moritz furstenau provides for the duplication of tasks and Items as the core problem – as the four former national coaches have complained about. He also advocates Association for a League of its own. “A strong League would also be in the interest of national players,” says furstenau. “In order to achieve a high level, framework conditions are created.”

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unrest in the Deutsche Hockey-Bund “Permanently in crisis mode,”

Stefan Hermann

Prince, “that it will come in the elections to the Bundestag in a restructuring”. Honorary President believes Abel, that even before the Bundestag a few things to be corrected: “I hope that some of those who are in the responsibility of their consequences. When it comes to these people to the DHB, there are some logical reactions.“ Wen he says so, says Abel. However, it is no secret that he is friends with the Vice President, Mr Laschet. He himself has admitted in an Interview with the “Hamburger Abendblatt”, in which he had complained of a lack of leadership in the DHB.
With such statements has fired Abel speculation that he might stand for election to the Bundestag again for the office of the DHB-President. But he says: “That would be the wrong Signal.” Employees: djo/jne