“Djurgårdens IF Hockey”

“the Club coach defends Dick Axelsson”

“last Wednesday was Dick Axelsson the game-winner against the target.”

“last Sunday he had to leave the ice after having talked to the matchstraff.”

“– He thought to himself that it was not a good, says the Club coach Robert Ohlsson.”

“Three matches so far in Karlstad in the Swedish CHAMPIONSHIP final between Färjestad and Djurgården.”

“In the first was Dick Axelsson at their most angry on the ice, and threw among other things, the water bottle around in the booth – in the second, he scored the game-winner against the goal, made a sale on the ice and waved into the olympics and the tv cameras from the booth – in the third, he made a new goal, before he shortly afterwards had to leave the ice after having talked to a matchstraff.”

“Dick Axelsson are, as so often before in the heart of the action – not least because he meets the club he came from this season and had so much feelings for.”

“According to the-forward Michael Lindqvist has said: ”He is grumpy and will fall easily.””

“Forwardskollegan Oskar Steen said after the söndagsmatchen: ”as he was during the match, I don’t think is great for Djurgården, it spreads no great energy to the team”.”

“Dick Axelsson himself said after the match: ”Write about the game instead.””

“In the C More broadcast was heard the judge Andreas Harnebring say in the ”ref cam” to his colleague Tobias Björk: ”Send him, if he continues so.””

“the Moment after got the Dick Axelsson 2 + 10 minutes for ”abuse of officials” plus 20 minutes ”game misconduct”, that is to say, matchstraff.”

“It was right after the Horse 5-1-goal, before then, had Dick Axelsson fought and tjafsat with the particular Gustav Rydahl and Oskar Steen – including the so-sprayed Rydahl water on Axelsson when he stood and talked outside A booth.”

“Djurgårdscoachen Robert Ohlsson had individual talks with the players after the match and on the bus home from Karlstad. “

“– I said to Dick: be your best self at 19.30 on Tuesday. He thought it was not something good, and he was ready to do their best in the next match.”

“Is there anything in the allegations that he take the energy from your own team?”

” Dick has been with and seen to it that we have won the three matches against Färjestad, so it is clear that he both takes and provides energy for the best players. In this playoffs, I think he has given more than taken, he gives a lot of energy to the island of Djurgården.”

“Are you satisfied with what Dick is doing on the ice?”

” I think he is one of our better players. I also believe that they have a gameplan to provoke a bit by you and I will not help with, but I am satisfied with the Dick axelsson’s playoffs so far so he should continue to do what he’s done so far. “

“Attention målvaktsbyte”

“another controversial event in the match was to the island of Djurgården replaced by Adam Reideborn against Robin Jensen in goal the score of 4-0.”

“Reideborn was clearly disappointed and angry when he was out in the booth.”

“– He wants to save all pucks and win all the matches. Now it became a game after it pretty quickly when the fantastic four came felt like we would take him out, it was a good location to get to play Robin Jensen so that he got to know in the playoffs, ” says Robert Ohlsson.”

“Will Reideborn to guard the bag the next match?”

“– You never know. Well, we’ll see.”

“Färjestad won the fifth match with 8-2 and are now waiting for the sold out arena with 13.850 spectators on Tuesday night.”

“– We lead with 3-2 in the finals, we are aware that we did a bad performance and have nothing to take with us from there without going further. We have made good matches before, and know well that we have a good chance at home now, ” says Robert Ohlsson.”

“What was it that it was storförlust in the last match?”

“– We are leading the series 3-1 when we go to Karlstad and receives a lot of praise after three straight wins. It is easy to lose a little bit of what has made us come, so we must get back to the basics and have your feet on the ground. “

“”Need to make the best match””

“So there was a feeling that you were already ready for the final?”

“– It is easy to get carried away, it is important to learn as players to be here and now – we should work on with what we should do, then we are a good hockey team. Many people around might think that it is clear, but we that understand that it is far from clear to the they have won four matches and it is what it is all about.”

“What press you on now for the next match?”

” We must get up each player’s performance so that it becomes the maximum – it was not in the match that was, all the players and leaders can be much better. We should press each other up so that we do our best match – we are going to make the season’s best match, that we need to do our best achievement is I am pretty sure.”

“– We were not in the hard work fully – it sounds totally crazy but it is enough to go down any of per cent in order not to be enough, I don’t think we did a maximum performance at the latest and we have with us and will do now. To go to the final in the SHL and win four games then you have to make maximum achievement four times in a quarter, semi and final. “

” I like our match at home last. The answer is very much there how we are going to play on Tuesday. “

“How does it affect you now change the home from the royal Court to the Globe?”

“– the Pressure on the Court in the earlier matches have been awesome, great – can we get the same press in the Globe, if the fans can find some way to boil the Globe, it will be amazing, too. Man ur huse, make sure that it gets the same atmosphere in the Globe.”

“Färjestad and Djurgården offers once again at a steady, dramatic, and eventful round series.”

” I think it has been good hockeymatcher. Little focus has ended up on the wrong stuff, but the matches have been good and they have been intense – many in both teams have got to go max every game to play at this level, there are many who have been wringing out the cloth, ” says Robert Ohlsson. “

“– of course I have been happy with the matches that have been. Both for us and for hockey in general.”

“3-2 in the finals to the island of Djurgården in the best of seven in the CHAMPIONSHIP-semi-final – match Tuesday in the Globe, possibly the seventh decisive match in Karlstad, sweden on maundy Thursday.”

“Dick Axelsson, 31, has made six points, four goals and two assists, in eleven matches in the CHAMPIONSHIP playoffs. “

“He is tops utvisningsligan superior on a total of 52 minutes.”