“Fences for 42 million protection against swine fever”

“A seven-mile long fence along the dansktyska the border to protect Denmark against the dreaded african svinpesten. Now, put the first two poles of the earth.”

“the price tag for the fence, to prevent wild boar from wandering in, up to 42 million Swedish kronor.”

“Mogens Dall, president of the lantbrukarorganisationen Landbosyd, thinks that the fence should be seen as an insurance policy for the Danish svinnäringen.”

“– You also insure your house against fire, even if it probably never is going to burn, ” says Mogens Dall.”

“swine Fever in Denmark would lead to exportstopp and hit hard against the Danish economy,” he says.”

“In the days also implemented a four days long svinpestövning by a number of Danish authorities are involved in, where you prepare for how to act in case of african swine fever detected in the country.”

“Since 2014 present the disease in Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia. In 2017, it was demonstrated that in the Czech republic and Romania, and in september last year, also in Belgium.”