– It’s not going you know.

that was the gist of the answer is 15 times, when the leader of the Brothas, Mohamed ‘Mo’ El Addouti, Thursday morning took a seat in the witness box in the Court of Frederiksberg.

With the cap to the gray tracksuit pulled over the head and straps to a fikseringsbælte hanging out under your shirt did he repeatedly advised that he did not want to answer the prosecutor Tomas Huggers question.

– How many times must I continue to repeat it? What will you do? he asked with his characteristic hoarse voice, which got more of the defendants LTF’s smile.

According to police, was Mohamed El Addouti one of the five chief Brothas-the people, as armed LTF members tried to kill during an onslaught in Mjølnerparken 23. October 2017. The defendants refuse to commit.

Although he says that he does not know anything on the matter:

– the Police have been and interrogate me. I have said, they need to fucke by, so I understand not at all why I should be here, he said one of the few times where he varied his response.

the Prosecutor wanted to know about El Addouti could remember, he had earlier given an explanation to the police, where he called one of his friends ‘a fucking fed-arab’, because the friend had given an explanation to the poltiet.

– It is wild, you’ve called me over here for what? Ik’ en skid. I can’t remember anything.

the Incident happened during the bandekonflikten in the last half of 2017, when the LTF and the Brothas took large parts of Copenhagen as hostages in a bloody gang-related conflict.

According to police, drove a motorcade of three cars with 16 gang members from the Loyal to Familia 23. October 2017 to Nørrebro in an attempt to get at the rivals from the Brothas.

the Cars turned around at the Hothers Space in the outer Nørrebro, and while the drivers were in the cars, ran the 13 other defendants masked in Mjølnerparken armed with knives and slashing.

Brothas, the members of the stack, when they saw LTF’s attack. In the right played prosecutor Tomas Hugger telephone intercepts, where the gangbangers shortly after called to each other.

On the windswept telephone connection you could hear them out of breath telling each other how they found themselves, after they had run in its own direction.

Two of them were by all accounts in the same farm in Mjølnerparken, and one of them shouted at the ‘Mo’.

the Prosecutor would know if it was El Addouti on the interception, but came even bandelederen in vancouver:

– It means nothing to me? asked Tomas Hugger.

– exactly, came the predictable response.

Among the unanswered questions was whether El Addouti was the leader of the Brothas, if it was him, the masked appeared in a feature on TV2, and if he was hit by gunfire a week after.

Even then, the prosecutor recalled that Mohamed El Addouti had a duty to respond, he got the same response. It got Tomas is Chopping to ask if he was going to run the ‘gangster-style with a hood over his head’ throughout the day. Shortly after he stopped the questioning.

Since none of the defendants ‘ lawyers had questions, sjoskede bandelederen, who last year received three convictions for among other things, the possession of weapons during the conflict and currently is serving a nine-and-a-half years in prison, out of the right – close mandsopdækket of the two officers.