The German ski Jumpers have won the first team competition at the Nordic world Ski Championships ever. The second was Austria. The Third Norway. Many other Nations have women Jump ranking. Click here to see all the results of the ski jumping world Cup. the Volker Kreisl, Seefeld
It was like after every Grand final. The Jumpers who landed on the podium, threw their arms in the air and then hit the hands in front of the goggle. TV teams crossed paths in the target area, and conducted Interviews with happy athletes or their parents. And of the several thousand spectators, there remained enough to be at the ceremony for the Best, those who had pushed in before each other’s joy in the snow.
It was not just any old world Cup Team victory, but in the statistics at some point at the very top: the first world title in the team of the women jump. And it was even more, namely to show that the jump women’s sport is developing more and more and as a Team, Competition is ripe for the big stage. Some had feared that there are still too few well-balanced women’s ski jumping team. The question was whether all of the teams were able to adjust in time to this date, because the Austrian ski Federation had confirmed the recording due to necessary improvements to the plant nearly five weeks before the Competition.
Then, however, a variety developed surprisingly rich contest that was different than two days earlier in the men – to the last jump, which is why the victory most of the interior of Germany, then of relief, especially violently in the snow thrust.
The German Team has already created very early on fixed structures
Juliana Seyfarth from Ruhla/Thuringia, Ramona Straub (long nordnach/black forest), Carina Vogt (Degenfeld/Wuerttemberg) and Katharina Althaus (Oberstdorf/Allgäu, Germany), were regarded as huge favourites. As in previous years, they put this season in the world Cup, the strongest Team will be the last three positions in the overall standings, four among the top twelve Jumpers, even among the first Five. The German Association had been created seven years ago, structures, screening days offered, which is reflected in this Quartet, made up of various winter sports regions. And yet, this had to shiver at the end for the victory.
After all, the lead initially grew, although not as significantly as expected. Nearly 20 points after six of eight jumps, and most of it had contributed to the Ramona Straub, with two flawless flights, with which you would be on this day, even a single winner. The Japanese were early, and also because of the world Cup, flew record-breaking winner Sara Takanashi unstable, Slovenia and Russia were also knocked off.
Austria and Norway, appeared, therefore, to identify the ranks two and three, the national coach Andreas Bauer was able to enjoy the Rest seemingly relaxed, but it was not the day of Carina Vogt, the Olympic champion of 2014. Her seventh flight was too shaky and too short around nine-point lead remained, in other words: four and a half meters on this hill.
Three world-class teams are to little for good competitions
in The end, it was Bauer’s most consistent vaulter, Olympic silver winner Katharina Althaus, who kept his nerve. Daniela Iraschko-Stolz, 35, and Austria’s ski jumping pioneer, had made it as the final jumper is still exciting. But Althaus was last on the bars sitting still relaxed, she looked over to Bauer, and as the abschwenkte the Banner, sat without hesitation in the start-up track, got off to a punctual take-off and sailed unlike so many others this afternoon, stable and with enough body tension like a mountain jackdaw down.
“It was not easy,” said Althaus later, “for the first Time, I also had responsibility for the whole Team.” At the end she was glad that the green line of the Leading, the jump this time, the first world Cup victory in the women’s team marked, darted under her, as she was still far up in the air. Overall, it was competitions a very worthy prelude for the upcoming Team, even though all should be aware that there is much to do. Three world-class teams are a little to good competitions. And deeper structures for women to Jump most of the other Nations are not, some are even still at the beginning. Poland’s Association, for men, the Top Nation, has missed the development of the women complete.