“Marika Domanski-Lyfors”

“Great interest when the women’s team move in on Friends.”

“In our move the women’s team in at the Friends Arena and the interest is huge.”

“the Tickets to the meeting with Germany was released this morning and the total publiksiffran is already over 10 000 spectators.”

“– It is in this mode, six to seven times as much as in other matches earlier in the years, ” says Fredrik Madestam, press officer for the women’s team.”

“Since Sweden started the world CUP qualification in the autumn of 2017, the attendance in the hemmamatcherna, friendship and competitive matches, looked like this: 5 563, 8 092, 6 175, 2 639.”

“Figures already four hours after the ticket release has passed, when the Swedish football association, the move the women’s team to the Friends in Stockholm.”

“the Desire to come and see the club Germany in the world CUP build-up in april is great.”

“– Now we are up over 9 000 tickets. It also includes those tickets that are reserved for fotbollsfamiljen, that is to say, the families, the districts and so on, ” said Fredrik Madestam earlier in the day and since then the number of tickets increased to 10 000.”

“”Aim as high as we can only””

“the Interest is six, seven times higher than in the previous matches the last few years and there is still a long way to go. The match is played on 6 april.”

“– We aim as high as we can, ” says Fredrik Madestam.”

“One can already now start to talk about the rekordchans.”

“Damlandslagets attendance record is from 2002, when Sweden took in Switzerland at Råsunda. Then came a 20-302.”

“When it comes to Friends and women’s football, there is a nice story. The final of the women’s euro 2013 between Germany and Norway (1-0) attracted 41 301.”

“And to attract the audience, the Swedish football association has chosen to place themselves slightly below their normal price. There are tickets that costs between 50 and 150 dollars.”

” Now that we are in Stockholm we have chosen to reduce the tickets with 30 sek then it was four years since we played here. We want to enable as many people as possible to come and create a publikfest, says Madestam.”

“the Players in the national team have previously shown a particular concern about the faltering publiktrenden and boosts ticket release strongly on their social media.”

“”A step in the right direction”.”

“move in on the Friends, the men’s national stadium is perceived as great.”

“here,” said Caroline Seger recently to Sportbladet about it:”

“– You take one step in the right direction. It clearly shows that you are accepted as a lady or herrspelare. You can put the imprint. It is skitroligt and a positive sign.”

“The Swedish team is ready for the world CUP, which of course increases the interest. This weekend was the draw and Sweden will face Chile, Thailand and the united states.”

“the Match against Germany is a step in the upload process. Landslagsledningen looking for an additional two opponents closer to the world CUP; but there are challenges when speldatumen is not in the international calendar. It means that mainly the world CUP-ready countries for friendly matches.”

“Good conditions for the world CHAMPIONSHIPS”

“the national team will face world CUP to implement a camp at home in Sweden.”

“When it comes to the world CUP in France waiting very good conditions.”

“It can landslagschef Marika Domanski Lyors note. She was a part of the delegation that visited two of the spelorterna of the week: Rennes and Nice. “

“We are very positive,” she says.”

“the national Team will travel according to their lot, and dwell periodically on the matchorterna.”

“How do you see your accommodation and your location in Rennes?”

“– the Top!. It is an accommodation a bit outside of town. The facility for the training will be excellent and there are no other teams training or playing there. The arena was great, nice and tight.”

“– Nice has some other conditions Where we live quite close to the promenade. It is close to the airport, close to the plant and the arena. Training is fine, the arena also. It was a positive experience, ” says Marika Domanski Lyfors.”

“Le Havre has the national team has not visited yet. But than there is time.”