Helped an ambulance – when the smoke driving licence

police Chief: ”He would have kept the 70 to the nearest intersection or exit”

When Jonny Forsberg cast an eye in the rear view mirror, he saw an ambulance with lights and sirens on.

in Front of him was a enfältsväg with the barrier in the middle.

in Order to be able to drop until the ambulance pressed he accelerator pedal and got your license.

The 47-year-old Årjängsbon faced the dilemma when he drove on a enfilig road with a barrier in the middle between Årjäng and Grums, on June 6th.

Suddenly there was a howling and blåljusblinkande ambulance behind him.

”No chance to swerve”

the Choice, he says, was not particularly difficult. Instead of to remain in the legal 70 miles an hour, he increased the speed to as fast as possible be able to drop past the ambulance.

” I had no chance to swerve. So I pressed on the gas. The most I was up in the 102 kilometres an hour, ” says Jonny Forsberg to Aftonbladet.

Wrong choice – according to the mc-cop who went behind the ambulance.

– When the ambulance had passed, he drove up behind me and said, ”there went a little fast here”. I said that there were special circumstances with the view of the sirens and blåljuset, but it didn’t matter according to him. ”It is 70 so you should keep the 70 whatever,” he said to me.

Jonny Forsberg was penalised for his speeding with a fine of 3 600 sek.

And driving licence, it was withdrawn on the spot.

” It’s unbelievable, absolutely crazy. Imagine what the impact might be if people do not release until the ambulance arrived, ” says Jonny Forsberg, who works at the årjäng municipality and need the license in the job.

Certificate of ambulanschefen

He has now received a paper from the ambulanschefen that the situation was acute as a help in his appeal.

– He wrote a certificate that they performed a priority 1-emergency response.

A lawyer at the Swedish transport agency has to look at the matter.

” I’ll call her today so we’ll see what happens. I hope to get back the driving licence before midsummer.

”Should have kept the speed.”

When Aftonbladet talking with Dan Johansson, acting head of traffic police in Värmland, ” he says to Jonny Forsberg would not have trampled on the gas.

– Exceeds the speed limit so makes you guilty of a crime. He would have kept the 70 to the nearest intersection, junction or bus stop, says Dan Johansson to Aftonbladet.

He also points out that Jonny Forsberg had several chances to stop.

” We measured the speed of 1 200 metres. There were four exits in the road on the route.

But Jonny Forsberg dismisses the police comment.

” I had a panic and a howling ambulance behind me. Small pockets in the way you see barely then. I couldn’t slow down from 100 to zero in one second. My only thought was to release the ambulance and in the same moment as the road became two-lane, I released the and slowed down, ” he says.

■Aftonbladet, told me yesterday about Trygve, 43, who risked his life to stop the värdetransportrånare at City Gross at Kungens kurva in southern Stockholm.

■He sat in his car in the parking lot just before the clock 13 when he caught sight of the robbers, who attacked a female security guard. Trygve stopped when the robbers who fled on a moped by running on them.

■the police Officers on the spot were satisfied with the Trygves action.

Drove the alcohol – prevented suicide

■A former police officer in Ångermanland ate dinner and drank both beer and wine with dinner – when the phone rang. Staff at a refugee residents where a boy, as an ex-police is a good man, told me that the boy got a negative asylbesked and sat on a bridge nearby. They feared that the boy would take his life.

■Ex-police sat in the car, drove away and managed to get down the boy from the bridge. When the boy was rescued had expolisen make a alkoholtest. He had to 0.68 per mille of alcohol in the blood, writes the daily.see.

■He was charged with drink-driving, and the district court found that he committed the crime but allowed the man to avoid a penalty when he acted in distress to prevent suicide.