Well, if it just gives any Trouble. The 4 runs. Minute of the match between Lokomotiv Moscow and Juventus Turin , as Cristiano Ronaldo takes a run up for a free kick. The Portuguese kick the Ball straight and Flat on goal. A shot that should be for a Goalie in the Champions League not really a Problem. But Guilherme makes the Ball go between his legs roll. And then, as the ball just millimetres over the line, hisses Aaron Ramsey approach, Ronaldo’s team-mate. And pushes the Ball into the net.

Ronaldo looking a bit incredulous, as in the stadium, he is reported to have scored – but Ramsey. But the Portuguese seems to forgive the sinner. At least it looks on the pictures of the jubilation so. Even if Ramsey locates, quite obviously, need to provide explanation.

Maybe he’s still in the back of his head, like Ronaldo, once responded after team-mate Nani tried to steal in the Portuguese national team goal. Well, then, added to this was complicated by the fact that the match was disallowed for an offside position Nani but.

Immediately guesses appear in the network, why Ramsey is probably Ronaldo has not indulged in the gate. And, of course, several Users come to this video snippet, in which Ramsey between Ronaldo and Lionel Messi will have to decide.

Maybe, but Ramsey also just feel the longing for a personal experience of success. The last goal in the Champions League, the Welshman in March 2015.

Juve wins the game 2:1 and is thus in the eighth-finals.

And we don’t want to imagine first, how Ronaldo will feel he should be missing one day a gate to keep a record scorer in the Champions League.

third mid – term of the Tamedia football-Podcast

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Created: 06.11.2019, 20:59 PM