SEEFELD (Dagbladet): the Jumpers are in place in Seefeld in Austria. Saturday runs the first world cup race of the stack, in Bergiselbakken in Innsbruck.

Sportssjef Clas Brede Bråthen has had better days on the job. Daniel-André Tande out with injury, has no one come up and had similar performance. Norway must play annenfiolin in hoppsirkuset for gentlemen. Get in the world cup-the city believes in the Norwegian medals, if we look away from Maren Lundby in kvinneklassen.

On social media is some relentless. Jumpers are slaughtered and shall be alleged to cheat with hoppdressen. Bråthen react:

– I will not say that it is uncomfortable. It is most unpleasant to think of how stusslig the people who hang out athletes that try as best they can, really must have it. When the only thing you get to is to hang out people on social media, then I think where stusslig it must be.

press Conference

The Norwegian athletes participated yesterday at a press conference at the utøverhotellet. Robert Johansson, Johann André Blame, Halvor Is Granerud, Andrew, the Star and Thomas Aasen Markeng to defend the Norwegian colours. Normalbakkerennet wound up in Seefeld while the large hill goes in the well-known Innsbruck.

IN PLACE IN SEEFELD: Here are the athletes who will defend the Norwegian colours in the world cup. From left: Thomas Aasen Markeng, Andreas Star, Johann André Blame, Robert Johansson, and Halvor Is Granerud. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix Show more

Both sportssjef Bråthen and coach Alexander Stöckl must be able to withstand critical questions. And how it works mechanisms: Where the team was brilliant in the last year – and got a lot of praise – it manages not to live up to expectations in years. Then comes a lot of dissatisfaction.

Before the season, it was a stated goal that Norway should win Hoppuka. The more coats of gloss then Andreas Star was best of the norwegians on the sjuendeplass.

In the world cup is Robert Johansson and Johann André Blame the best Norwegian with respectively the sixth – and sjuendeplass. Hoppsporten is dominated by Japan, Poland and Austria. Norway aims to be the world’s most important hoppnasjon. It can not be said to be a reality now with the fifth place in the nasjonskampen.

When the Newspaper draws Bråthen-to-side in the mighty alpelandskapet in Austria, he says:

First and foremost, it is a vote of confidence that people expect much more than we have been to in years. We live much better with this than the fact that people do not care at all. At the same time, it is so that we as a team do not have an experience of crisis. And that you shall not have in the sport. But that season on the herresida not have been the way we had hoped and believed in advance, is no secret.

FROM HOP TO POP: Maren Lundby is most known for jumping far and skiing, but now Kolbu-girl try out both the theatrical and musical in “Kjellas gala performance”. Video: Kjell-André Wiklund / Maren LundbyVis more Show more Show more

Bråthen continues:

Among the girls have Maren Lundby shown how to win skirenn. We just have not gotten it so often among guys.

– What do you think about that the critics use words like “crisis” and “fiasco”?

I’ll be completely honest, so I’m a bit fascinated by the fact that the community has been, so that there is greater interest for the crisis and failure than victories. But it is a reality. I’m more happy that the Newspaper and other media use time on the ski jumping than if they had not done it. I can’t go into a deep depression if a whole sportsjournalistverden krisestempler season to the Norwegian hoppsport. It is perfectly fine. Crisis is the day the sportsjournalistverden don’t care.

Bråthen does not hide that Tandes downturn also makes it look worse for the rest of the team.

– Daniel has been our best performer the last few years. It is indicated for any team when you lose your best performer. Now it should also be said that the other athletes have contributed significantly, among other things, with individual OLYMPIC medals in the last year. But I have no issues with to see a team that has lost its best athlete in the two-three last years, is significantly impaired.

– Is Stöckls position as a coach threatened?

– No.

FIGHTING IN the face of ADVERSITY: Coach Alexander Stöckl acknowledge that the season has not responded to expectations. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix Show more

– He sits no matter the contract runs out in 2022?

There is nothing in his motivation that does not suggest that he is the best coach for the Norwegian system. The same applies to the rest of the people in the system. No matter who I could choose, I would have not replaced any of them.

Bråthen continues:

The most important thing for me is that coaches and athletes know that I’m there for them. They should not experience that I creates insecurity. It is this that is my task. If I see or hear things that be for some, it may be imagined that I say so.

– Exciting

When Dagbladet asks the coach Alexander Stöckl describe the season, he replies:

– It has been exciting and demanding. But that is how it is every season – on its way. This season is demanding because we have not delivered on the level that we want to deliver on. We have seen some good results. But it is not near of what we delivered in the last year.

He says that the world cup-goal stands by the layer:

– It is to fight for a medal in every competition.

the SKI world CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAM Thursday 21. February

At 12: 00 noon Prologue sprint: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen
Kl 14.00 Finals: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen

Friday 22. February

At 10: 30 Am Jump storbakke: Combined (HS120 in Innsbruck)
At 16.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Saturday 23. February

11: 00 Am 15 mile skibytte: Women
At 12: 30 pm 30 miles skibytte: Gentlemen
At 14.30 Jump Storbakke: Gentlemen

Sunday 24. February

Kl 09.15 semi-finals lagsprint: cross-country Skiing women and gentlemen
At 10: 30 Am Jump lagsprint: Combined
At 11: 30 Finals lagsprint: Sprint freestyle cross-country skiing women and gentlemen
13.30 Hrs Lagsprint combined 2 x 7.5 km cross-country skiing
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse jump: Innsbruck

Tuesday, 26. February

13.30 Hrs 10 km classic: Women
16.00 Qualification jump: Women

on Wednesday the 27th. February

Kl 14.00 15 km classic: Gentlemen
At 16.15 Jump: Women

Thursday, 28. February

11: 00 Am Jump normalbakke: Combined
At 13: 00, Relay cross-country skiing: Women, 4×5 km
Kl 15.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Friday 1. march

Kl 13.15 Relay cross-country skiing, Gentlemen, 4×10 km
16.00 Jumps Gentlemen, normalbakke

Saturday 2. march

11: 00 Am Lagkonkurranse combined: Jump normalbakke
At 12.15 30 miles: Women, freestyle
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse combined: cross-country Skiing 4×5 km
16.00 Mixed lagkonkurranse jump: normalbakke

Sunday 3. march

At 13: 00, 50 miles: Gentlemen, freestyle

Can you beat your friends, rivals, cross-country skiers, and experts in the Fantaski?

the Newspaper, and Swix launches a new manager games for cross-country skiing. Here you can set up your own team consisting of six girls and six boys in front of each verdenscuprunde. You get points based on how your athletes are performing.

the Game passes the entire season, but you win prizes each and every round.

Play here