“Iran’s foreign minister to resign”

“foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarife, Iran’s chief negotiator in the atomavtalet with the western world in 2015, writing on Instagram that he is leaving. The decision, however, can only enter into force if president Hassan Rohani says yes.”

“the Move comes shortly after the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad unexpectedly visited Tehran. Zarife was not in connection with al-Assad’s meetings with Rohani and the supreme leader Ali Khamanei, and it is unclear if the incidents are related.”

“Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, chairman of parliament’s influential säkerhetsutskott, says to news agency Isna that Zarife wanted to resign earlier, but that he is apparently serious in that he makes it public this time.”

“Zarife and Falahatpisheh would have gone to the UN meetings in Geneva on Monday, but the trip was cancelled at the last moment.”

“– The other side never succeeded in tearing me down during the negotiations, said Zarife in an iranian newspaper interview earlier in February.”

“– But internally, the press tore me out both during and after the talks.”