30-year-old from dalsbygda, upon application stood over the Tour de Ski in preparation for the world cup, but has been unbeatable in the distanserenn ever since she was back in the trails in november. Currently, no one has been able to be closer than in åpningsrennene in Ruka and Lillehammer.

Thursday, she was 1.10,8 minutes ahead of silver medallist Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen. It is raw utklassing.

It was a very good race today. I managed to go well and relaxed on the ski. When the works there, said a bland Johaug after NM-the gold was secured.

– I know that I’m in shape and able to go technically well and relaxed on the ski. It is good to take with when I travel to the Seisser on Monday, says Johaug to NRK.

– No one matches her

Experts is not in doubt that Johaug seems awe-inspiring three weeks before the world cup goose in the time.

– So she goes in the day, it is difficult to see that someone is going to beat her. I think all the foreign competitors are happy that they went not in here. It was a skremmeskudd, ” says Bear.

– There is no one in the world that match Therese so she goes in the day, roses Fredrik Aukland at NRK.

Jacobsen warns against early Norwegian withdrawal: – Just nonsense

Even says Johaug that she feels she has taken a step forward after christmas. She plans to go duatlon on Saturday as its the last race before the world cup.

Started strongly

With a time of 26.06,4 could Johaug cheer for their ninth national CHAMPIONSHIP-gold. Ingvild Flugstad Østberg ended the day at bronseplass, eight tenths of a second from silver.

As the third last starters to beat Johaug from the start, and already after a mile she was in the clear lead 8,6 seconds in front of Heidi Weng. Right before halvgått distance she walked past Ingvild Flugstad Østberg on carrying the number on the front.

Half was Johaug 28.1 per seconds ahead of Weng, but with the help of Johaugs back climbed Østberg to 2.-space at the crossing 6 km. They were she 33,6 behind Johaug, while Weng in third place was 41,9 behind.

Good day for Weng

When Johaug disappeared from her, could not Østberg to complete well enough to match the Jacobsen in sølvkampen, but she took the biggest three seconds ahead of Weng.

It was just the Weng that was today’s happiest, despite the fourth position. Finally things begin to loosen for Weng.

– I think really it. It felt really good five miles, so the set I, we managed to keep the same pace as Astrid. I feel that the body begins to feel better, so now it’s just to get the head in place and find the right åpningsfart, ” says a delighted Heidi Weng.

Heidi Weng went significantly faster than Ragnhild Haga, who she is competing with for a place on the 10-kilometerlaget in the world cup. Haga ended down on 9.-space.

– Hope I am linking as many people as possible