Jupiler Pro League Team a hell for the opponent? Certainly, but in the meantime, it is already on 15 september 2002 ago that Anderlecht still burning in that hell. Stefan Leleu, Harald Pinxten and Tony Sergeant stood that day in the team that the recordkampioen with a 2-1 defeat sent home. On the eve of a new Antwerp – Anderlecht, we presented this trio of three questions.
How do Antwerp do?
Abandoned: “Antwerp must simply continue to do as the months progress: powerplay combine with a touch of finesse. Certainly against Anderlecht should Antwerp surplus of strength and ability to walk, trying to play. Anderlecht can play football, but plays with a lot of young guests and which you can physically bluffed.”
Pinxten: “Antwerp should dare go out of the own strength: from minute one, the throttle is fully open, rotate. Anderlecht is a wounded animal, and lacks confidence. As a team, you may not have the opportunity to work in the beginning of the match some confidence to refuel.”
first Sergeant: “The key to Antwerp’s success? The players need to do what they almost always do: full of devotion to play. After the rare uitschuiver on Lokeren I expect this weekend by the way again a very sharp Antwerp.”
What do you think of this Antwerp?
Abandoned: “I think this team is impressive. To the opponent, blasting the players something out of ‘start to’. There was some criticism came their virile style of play, I find unjustified. You have the qualities that you have. Antwerp plays ‘mannenvoetbal’. The audience is the star of the Team appreciates that, and I also. Guys like Refaelov and Rodrigues take in addition to a technical surplus. And in the goal state with Bolat a puntenpakker.”
Pinxten: “Under the current board, Antwerp big steps forward. The Antwerp public loves men who head there for. Such players were there last season already, but there it was in the summer a certain flair added to it. The advent of Refaelov brought a little something extra. The team is now really good in each other.”
first Sergeant: “The fact that Antwerp will soon as a favorite against Anderlecht, says enough. This is a group with many possibilities. I have a few matches in the stadium and seen the team I absolutely love it. You have several blowers and a few men who can make a difference.”
How far you can see Antwerp get?
Abandoned: “Play-off 1 can actually no longer miss. And in the play-offs, there is much as possible. As the team’s physical efforts, it may continue to digest – the players make a lot of meters – may Antwerp even close to the title.”
Pinxten: “I hope that Antwerp’s position for this match day (the third place, ed.) can hold on to and possibly even on Club Brugge to second place you can look. I do not exclude that such a thing can be. Finally, Antwerp this season, no point stolen, on the contrary even. For me they deserve a place in the top three.”
first Sergeant: “Currently, royal Antwerp, go to a play off 1 place. The ambition will be able to go to a European ticket to conquer. Champion seems to me to be difficult, given the advantage of Racing Genk. Top three seems to me, on the other hand, is a realistic objective.”