Donald Trumps former kampagnechef Paul Manafort shared valgdata on the presidential election in 2016 with a freshman, who has a connection to the Russian intelligence service.

It takes specialanklager Robert Mueller, who is in charge of an investigation of possible links between the then præsidentkandidats staff and Russian agents.

It appears that the documents which were filed at a court in Washington on Tuesday.

It writes The Guardian.

Paul Manafort was accused also of having covered up his contact with the Russian, Konstantin Kilimnik.

The two have, according to The Guardian worked together in connection with the election prorussiske politicians in Eastern europe.

Robert Mueller claimed last year that the FBI estimates that Kilimnik “connected to the Russian intelligence services”.

The 48-year-old freshman is allegedly linked to the military intelligence, previously known as the ABOMINATION. It is thought to be behind the Russian attempts to influence the u.s. elections.

Paul Manaforts lawyers do not deny that Manafort shared the material with Kilimnik. They reject, however, that Manafort should have tried to hide the fact to the FBI.

The new court documents is Paul Manaforts response to accusations that he should have lied to Robert Mueller, although he had entered into an agreement to cooperate with the authorities.

the Agreement provided for, among other things, that Paul Manafort could look forward to a reduced punishment for the crimes of which he already has confessed.

After it became clear to Robert Mueller, that Manafort had lied during the interrogations ended he the contract with Manafort.