SJUSJØEN (Dagbladet): She has gone a verdenscuprenn in his career. Nevertheless, 20-year-old Kristine Stavås Skistad one of the hottest names before the world CHAMPIONSHIPS open with the sprint on Thursday.

And you must believe Skistad itself is not the lack of experience against the world’s best sprinters no problem.

I feel I am very prepared. I feel like that forces my not is something I need to practice in order to match with the best. I just have to be very on the day and make the right choice, ” says Skistad to the Newspaper.

So great is the confidence in own skills that Skistad chose to drop the world cup in Lahti. Instead, she participated in the norgescup-classes for junior in Nannestad same weekend. Skistad felt she needed a period of time with a lot of training for the junior world CHAMPIONSHIP in Lahti in order to be best prepared for the world cup.

After having seen the test-the world cup of last year is Skistad confident that the track should suit her well.

– It should fit me very well. I need to take advantage of the speed. I hope I’m able to hang out with on the pace and be with on a asked, it had been very fun, ” says Skistad.

Ane (23) surprised in the stars absence a Secret goal

Since the beginning of the autumn, she has worked with a double objective. First was the sprint in the junior world CHAMPIONSHIP to be won. So had the girl who turned 20 earlier this month a greater goal.

– I have the thought of a little secret on the here (world cup-sprint journ.anm.) for a very long time. Since the autumn I have had it as a goal, so it will be exciting. I knew that the junior world CHAMPIONSHIP-gold was a goal I should perhaps thing, and then one must, in a way, to think a little bigger. You can’t just go for the secure, explains Skistad.

The last few years have Skistad lived in Lillehammer where she has been studying at the NTG. It has done that she has been familiar with Udnes Weng-twins who attended the same school some years before. For Tiril, who himself was one of the world’s best juniorløpere, is very impressed with how quickly Skistad has taken the level to sprinteliten already as a junior.

It is completely raw. It was not in my thoughts when I was a junior. Then there was the junior world CHAMPIONSHIP and norgescup-classes in Norway which were the main objectives. She is very raw, I think it is really cool that she has managed it, says Udnes Weng.

Thank Northug

After sesongåpningen on Tuesday where only Maiken Caspersen Falla was in front of her over the finish line, there were several that got up your eyes for the world cup-the place was more than just a long-term goal for Konnerud-girl.

Now she becomes the first junioren who get to go the world cup as both Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen and Therese Johaug both did it with panache in Sapporo in 2007. It was sprintgull to Jacobsen, while Johaug took bronze in the 30 km.

– It’s funny to see that you can now up before senioralder. I think there are very many who look at it as inspiration. There are many who have had sessions with me and who see that the opportunity is there, ” says Skistad.

Even has Skistad looked up to the great Norwegian skinavnene as their role models. She also mentions Marit Bjørgen, but there is one person who has meant more that it was skikarriere on Skistad.

– Yes, you always look up to those who do it well. For me, it has been particularly Petter Northug, tells Skistad.

– He has inspired me very much and it is not certain that I had chosen ski, if not he had been there. It is sad that he has given himself, but I am very happy that we still have seen a bit of him in the world cup and that he should be with a little.

– So he should have a little ‘ thank that you are with in the world cup?

– You can say it like that, ” says Skistad and laughs.

New langrennskomet shocks: – Muscles that Marit Bjørgen – They’ll fear me

Currently, there is not Skistad as rappkjefta as the idol from the Mosvika, but she admits that it was particularly good to beat the Swedish supertalentet Frida Karlsson on the sprint in Lahti.

IN the world cup, it is the Swedish women who on paper have the strongest team. Stina Nilsson, Maja Dahlqvist, and Jonna Sundling has dominated fristilssprintene this winter. It is uncertain if Nilsson is ready for strekken she incurred in Otepää last month. Skistad hope the Swedish star is with for fully and comes with a warning to the swedes.

We hope she is with. It’s much more fun to beat her. I don’t think I should fear any. Neither will they have to fear me, ” says the confident 20-year-old.

Kristine seems I have the self confidence of steel. She is a raw type that only care about the competitions and have to fully focus on it. She is a role model like that seen, ” says Tiril Udnes Weng.

the SKI world CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAM Thursday 21. February

At 12: 00 noon Prologue sprint: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen
Kl 14.00 Finals: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen

Friday 22. February

At 10: 30 Am Jump storbakke: Combined (HS120 in Innsbruck)
At 16.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Saturday 23. February

11: 00 Am 15 mile skibytte: Women
At 12: 30 pm 30 miles skibytte: Gentlemen
At 14.30 Jump Storbakke: Gentlemen

Sunday 24. February

Kl 09.15 semi-finals lagsprint: cross-country Skiing women and gentlemen
At 10: 30 Am Jump lagsprint: Combined
At 11: 30 Finals lagsprint: Sprint freestyle cross-country skiing women and gentlemen
13.30 Hrs Lagsprint combined 2 x 7.5 km cross-country skiing
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse jump: Innsbruck

Tuesday, 26. February

13.30 Hrs 10 km classic: Women
16.00 Qualification jump: Women

on Wednesday the 27th. February

Kl 14.00 15 km classic: Gentlemen
At 16.15 Jump: Women

Thursday, 28. February

11: 00 Am Jump normalbakke: Combined
At 13: 00, Relay cross-country skiing: Women, 4×5 km
Kl 15.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Friday 1. march

Kl 13.15 Relay cross-country skiing, Gentlemen, 4×10 km
16.00 Jumps Gentlemen, normalbakke

Saturday 2. march

11: 00 Am Lagkonkurranse combined: Jump normalbakke
At 12.15 30 miles: Women, freestyle
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse combined: cross-country Skiing 4×5 km
16.00 Mixed lagkonkurranse jump: normalbakke

Sunday 3. march

At 13: 00, 50 miles: Gentlemen, freestyle

Can you beat your friends, rivals, cross-country skiers, and experts in the Fantaski?

the Newspaper, and Swix launches a new manager games for cross-country skiing. Here you can set up your own team consisting of six girls and six boys in front of each verdenscuprunde. You get points based on how your athletes are performing.

the Game passes the entire season, but you win prizes each and every round.

Play here