It’s so far managed to evacuate over 300 of the approximately 1300 persons on board the distressed Norwegian cruise ship ‘Viking Sky’. The number is increasing continuously.

The police in Møre and Romsdal to the Norwegian newspaper VG early Sunday morning.

Revisit all the drama here.

a total Of three helicopters in evacuating the people on board the ship.

– the Helicopters are evacuating about 15 people at a time. The wind is weaker, and the situation on board is quieter now than it was last night, says redningsleder Eirik Walle to the news agency NTB.

16 of the evacuees are brought to the hospital with injuries, three of whom are injured.

About two o’clock on Saturday afternoon the police in Møre and Romsdal message to the cruise ship on the way from Tromsø to Stavanger, had engine trouble about Hustadvika.

since then, helicopters have been evacuating the total of 1373 persons on board. 915 people are passengers.

the Night of Sunday came there once in three of the ship’s four engines, informs Eirik Walle. The ship is under its own operation on the way to Molde.

– the Situation is stable. There are good walk in the works, and there is good control on the table, he says to VG.

He says further, that the plan is that the cruise ship Sunday at dawn to give the last piece to Molde. It can take several hours.

A storm in the area between the Trondheim and Molde have done it a long and dramatic night for the remaining persons on the cruise ship.

It tells viceborgmesteren in Fræna Municipality, Jan Arve Dyrnes, who accepted the evacuated passengers.

– It is a dramatic situation. We are prepared to take all from the cruise ship. We are also planning how we should handle the situation going forward, as it seems to be a longer action, he says to NTB.

Volunteers in the municipality have embraced the evacuees from the ‘Viking Sky’, as well as a lastfartøj, who even got stalling and heel, as it sailed out to assist the cruise ship.

According to NRK jumped several of the crew from the cargo ship in the water to be the mountain of the helicopters, since, according to the authorities is more secure than saving them directly from the ship.

‘Viking Sky’ was on Saturday, just 100 metres from encountering reason.

It informs the operator by Tender and Tøndelags Losoldermandskab, among other things, stands for navigation, to Bergens Tidende.

In 30 minutes drive the ship towards the shore, after the ship’s engines had gone out of operation, and the crew struggled with getting the ship’s two anchors to take the firm into the seabed.

According to Swedish media, the Norwegian authorities refused to help from Sweden.

the 112 – 23. mar. 2019 – at. 20:40 Here is hit the cruise ship of monsterbølge