“Psychologist: Act when you witness on-line”

“An assault that is sent directly on the web, someone talking about taking their life or maybe someone that simply signals that all is not well. What do you do if you meet something on social media that chafe?”

“the Answer is that you can do a lot.”

“On several occasions it has happened that the crime has over the various social media. In november last year about an assault of a 50-year-old woman on Facebook and last week killed a man and his two children in the Sala and took then to their own lives. According to the police, the man should have been live on Facebook in connection with the murders.”

“What should you do if you yourself become a witness to something like that?”

“– If you are worried that the person shall do any bad, and if there are concrete signs of it, then it is important to call the police, ” says Åsa Landberg, a psychologist.”

“– But if you just notice that one person does not seem to be doing so well, you can try to do something together, have a cup of coffee. It can prevent a lot for someone who’s alone and uncomfortable thoughts.”

“It is also important to take the help of others. Belong to the same circle of friends or family can do something together to help anyone who does not feel good.”

“– A first step is to take personal contact, not just on social media but to get in touch with a phone call or trying to meet, ” says Åsa Landberg.”

“We devote more of our time on social media, it is also where we largely communicate with each other and can see if someone in the even flow behaves differently. Åsa Landberg feel that the written and sent out on social media is not taken as seriously as, for example, had told someone directly.”

“– It is easy to distance themselves from what is happening on social media, you may think that it is hard and you may choose not to see it therefore, ” she says.”

” It is important to see it as it takes place not only on social media, but that it happens in real life.”

“Often, the more of them that are in the even flow of social media can be more acquaintances than close friends. How intervenes against someone who seems to feel bad, but that you do not feel so well?”

“– What you can do is to send a message so as to somehow show that they are worried and that you care and see.”

“But it is also important that, as a family member or fellow human being not to take too great a personal responsibility, says psychologist Åsa Landberg.”

“– It is easy to think that you should do so much, but to offer some social contact can do a lot. If you have tried and done their best, it is so. It is no more than a man.”

“the 39 per cent of swedes between 16 and 84 years of age experiencing mild or severe symptoms of anxiety, uneasiness, or anxiety, according to figures from the latest public health survey from 2018 of Folkhälsomyndigheten. The proportion has increased since 2016 when it stood at 36 per cent.”

“your condition is more common among women. 46 per cent of the surveyed women experiencing anxiety, concern or anxiety while the corresponding proportion among the surveyed men is 32 per cent.”

“To have severe symptoms of anxiety, uneasiness, or anxiety, is less common, shows the survey. 7% stated that they experience severe discomfort. Although this percentage has increased since 2016, but only among women.”

“Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten”

“In emergency situations or thoughts of suicide, always call 112.”

“Mind Självmordslinjen 90101”


“the telephone Hotline for those who need someone to talk with. Tel: 08-702 16 80, all the days 21-06.”

“Spes – suicide prevention and victim support”

“Organization that offers support to the who have lost someone to suicide. Tel: 08-34 58 73, the telephone hotline every day 19-22. Web: http:u002Fu002Fspes.seu002F”