A small rabbit offspring caused karkumatkallaan the head of the effort in valkeakoski in October.I saw the rabbit running from the saviors of the supermarket parking lot in valkeakoski. Valkeakoski say

a Local city market in the back parking lot to find one day in October, a small rabbit cub, which the shop keeper tried to get moving, hiding under cars.

Rabbit run away nimbly under the car to the other and refused to come to the guard jump on it.

little by Little the parking area to accumulate the gang and soon there were twenty curious to observe the operation, “take a fugitive caught”.

One of the store shopping cart and another having his car blanket gear as a tool, the third attempt to attract a rascal salad leaves. At last the rabbit was netted and delivered to the animal protection association.

the rabbit chick was on the loose, and little by little it collected at the scene also the audience. Alpo eerola passers-by participated enthusiastically rabbit catching. Alpo Eerola

the case of a special thing, that rabbit’s home address is several miles from the supermarket the white on the Tip of the promontory.

Rabbit baby hear Henna Uotila to the fold. Rabbits thrive in a cage with a small mesh and even plywood around.

the Cage is in principle not get away, so the rabbit was removed from the cage so far unknown reasons, Uotila laugh at the incident stage.

What would be possible?

– of Any bird has been able to catch it and dropped it in his mouth outside the cage. On the other hand, the rabbit is able to get pesähän the roof and drop a little from the edge and out of the cage, Uotila’s guess.

all ends well, when the adventures get back to home base. Henna Uotila

Uotila in the yard was a Saturday two cars. The father of the family sent the second Urjala, and Henna Uotila was driving with his son on a trading trip Valkeakoski Lidl.

– for Some reason the rabbit had chosen my car and reaching somewhere in the recesses of the engine compartment below. The rabbit has remained stashed if you’re lucky, because we went to time an hour at best buy before we moved on to city market.

Henna Uotila was all the time, blissfully unaware that someone rabbits was perched. He was later in the day godmother’s son’s birthday at the cold touch, when he received a friends facebook of a screenshot of the rabbit. Friend asked whether the Cittarin to see a rabbit you.

I laughed really out loud, whether guys become silly, as such questions! How it is now, there would have traversed!?

Henna Uotila is indulged in rabbit rearing with his neighbor together. Henna Uotila

on returning Home, Henna Uotila was the first thing and sure enough fell out that all six rabbit chicks are in the cage.

One really was missing and I know that we have the one and only darker than usual bunny npoika.

Uotila heart beat her after realizing that the fugitive is its own. He called first, facebook was a notice put who and next Citymarket info.

no One knew where the rabbit had been taken. Came to my mind to call Sinna animal clinic Akaaseen. They there salon then give the contact information to the right parties, who kindly returned the rabbit baby home tonight in the dusk, Uotila says.

Henna Uotila amused thinking about the incident afterwards.

– So we don’t actually know anything, but my rabbit had caused such a mission! Yes, it’s nimble and twitchy little guy, that is no wonder, if it didn’t let themselves get caught.

– It is a miracle that the five-week-old bunny is alive marvelous trip to the grocery store after his. I guess the real citykani, when you wanted to the town centre, Henna Uotila laugh.

Story has been published previously Valkeakoski said.