“Sweden in the petition against the Russian anti-doping”

“Can lead to that Russia is excluded from the world CHAMPIONSHIPS-”

“Sweden have signed a petition against the Russian anti-doping.”

“Everything can lead to the athletes from Russia being cut off from the world ski CHAMPIONSHIPS in February.”

“– You must follow the anti-doping regulations in order to have the right to set up and arrange the major championships, ” says Christine Helle, head of the American Anti.”

“a Sporting feel Russian cross-country skiing the top. In the ongoing Tour de ski is Natalia Neprjajeva runner up and Yulia Belorukova finished third on the women’s side, while Russia exports massive amounts of oil are second and världscupledaren Alexander Bolsjunov four for the men.”

“On a higher level is the skier in trouble again. They turned off from competing under the Russian flag during the OLYMPICS in 2018 and possibly the same fate wait for the world ski CHAMPIONSHIPS in Seefeld, starting February 19.”

“It’s absolutely critical””

“In september 2018 was Rusada, the Russian antidopningsorganet, a long shutdown traditionally provided they gave Wada access to a database from a laboratory in Moscow. “

“the Deadline was set to december 31. Now it’s out there. “

“– What is important is that Wada really follow up what they said in september. It is not only important, but absolutely crucial to the entire international idrottsmiljön understand that antidopningsregelerna are the same for everyone, ” says Christine Helle head of the American Anti.”

“We just want to get a clearance””

“”today is the commitment [of the anti-doping] stronger than ever, and therefore, we think that Russia should be held responsible for their repeated failures to follow the rules,” they write in a single call.”

“So, it points to that Russia will miss the world CUP? Get the single rider set up under a neutral flag?”

“It is too early to answer. And the international ski federation Fis will also be a part of the decision. But what the Swedish antidopningschefen Christine Helle mainly want is that the matter to be accelerated and given the highest priority.”

“– We ask that Wada makes the decision even brisker. No matter what, go to the meeting as scheduled, it shall be decided before the world CUP in Seefeld. But what of individual sports that can come on the matter, I have no specific comments on the. We just want to get a finish on this thing, ” she says.”

“The widespread Russian dopningshärvan first became well known in athletics 2014. World anti-doping agency (Wada) launched an independent investigation led by lawyer Richard McLaren.”

“Mclaren’s report was released in two parts in 2016. The first, released in July, showed how the Russian doping had been ordered and made possible by the Russian government during the 2012 OLYMPICS, the world athletics CHAMPIONSHIPS IN 2013, the 2014 OLYMPIC games and the sim world CUP 2015.”

“According to McLaren, was used a special system to replace dopningsprover during the OLYMPIC games in Sochi in 2014. He also claimed that the Russian security services were directly involved to cover up their own doping in connection with the winter olympics in 2014.”

“the Report led to the Wada banned Russian antidopningsbyrå Rusada and dopningslaboratoriet in Moscow. It led to Russia was suspended from the OLYMPIC games in Pyeongchang in February. Only those Russian athletes that there was no dopningshistorik around got set up, then under the neutral flag. Only four Russian biathletes was with in south Korea.”

“Earlier in the fall, the Wada suspension against the Rusada and anti-doping agency laboratory in Moscow.”