There are more than three decades ago, as Jörn king one of many promising talents of the GDR-Sports. A little more than that even. In 1984, he was DDR-Vice-champion in Swimming, he was a potential candidate to be able to medals in the state order. Perhaps it came about because he refused to accept it according to his own statement, a little bit to help. The speech is, of course, by the Doping. “You had to take no Doping in the GDR, you could reject it,” says king: “If the performance was right, that was okay. If not, it was shut out from the high-performance sport. More but also not.“ Today the king sits for the AfD as the Chairman of the sports Committee of the Bundestag, and he is also due to his own experience of the view, that the Doping victims aid, so the compensation payments to victims of the East German sports performance, not increased.

It was lucky for the king that he is true to his Version – on the profitable doping ends renounced. The state-prescribed Doping was a result of damage for thousands of sportsmen and-women. And other than that was in the AfD-man king of the case, did not know at the time, many of the Affected, what is you revenue. Let alone, what is the alleged miracle cure meant for you. But how many idea of goods to the victims of a twisted addiction sport system, and how many were perpetrators, because they knowingly dopten? And you can speak for the Latter, all of the perpetrators? Finally, the late effects of doping could not have been foreseen.

doubt the work of victim support

these are the questions that deal for months now, the German sports policy and threaten to bring the club to Doping victims assistance (DOH) into disrepute. Founded in 1999, and won one-off payments in the amount of 10 500 € for the victims, of which, according to DOH 15 000. The money comes from the Federal budget, which has recently increased to 13.65 million euros. However, even prior to the increase there had been doubts as to the work of victim support.

It was formed a group around the molecular Werner Franke, the former West athlete Claudia Lepping German easy to biologists. The group urges that a new scientific assessment of the applications. “We are talking about many millions of taxpayers’ money,” says Lepping. “We want the Right to get the money.” Your accusation: The Numbers are not too high, because the victims are all victims. “Who says today that he had not at that time his power increase, and the urine checks before travelling abroad partout with the blue flash of the known anabolic steroids in combination can bring, or want to, you can say today, as unknowingly gedopter athletes forced to seek compensation,” she said.

Pugnacious researchers. The molecular biologist Werner Franke was one of the founding fathers of the Association Doping-victim assistance (DOH).Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa

Lepping has spoken a few days ago, the sports Committee, along with the new DOH-Chairman Michael Lehner. At least the SPD parliamentary group in order to Dagmar Freitag is aiming for an evaluation of the previous procedure. The whole point of it was, said Friday that the DOH-side of the said number of 15 000 Doping Victims, possible victims of the second Generation, the children of the Affected. “Ms. Lepping has shown, in my view, quite understandable that this number of the need to Review. Therefore, it was suggested by the SPD parliamentary group, to give an independent study of the possible damage in the second Generation, in order,“ says Friday. Here could come in as a Customer, the Federal Institute for sports science of the question.

It comes to the big moral issues

It is a sport political issue with sensitivity. It comes to the great moral questions of guilt and innocence. The force of the subject, that the fronts have formed between those who have previously fought together to get compensation payments, between political groups and also between the media, the position itself clearly in one direction or the other. The a side sees in their eyes deserving cause, the discredited recognition and financial compensation for the victims of the GDR-performance sports.

The other believes that the naive public funds to be distributed to former Doping cheaters. To this group belongs also the AfD, which supported the Narrative of exaggerated do-gooder. But it would be wrong to make Franke and co. now in the corner of the new Right. Rather, there is cross-party, more and more votes, which indicated that the Doping victims need the help of a new regulation.

The retired Potsdamer sport historian Hans Joachim Teichler, for example, has kept out of the debate. There is hardly anyone who has a better view of the sinister Panorama of the DDR-performance sports. Teichler has read mountains of files and books written about it. He has to learn, from the source literature, such as the years of the GDR-sports chief Manfred Ewald, you know it “due to the young age of the swimmers” not necessary, “already everything”. Was meant, of course, the administration of doping products to minors. “You is cruel wronged,” says Teichler. Sometimes even the parents had been involved, he says. So some parents have complained that their children were not a doping agent administered. He also got complaint letters from athletes in the hands of the bitter were to have the same doping agent such as, for example, the successful athlete Marita Koch.

Independent body should decide

The daily mirror Teichler says that he appreciate the work of the DOH, the maximum. “But the number of 15 000 Doping Victims is clearly exaggerated. I’m on 13 000 to 14 000 Doper as a whole – and of which were not determined all of the victims.“ The objection that the Dopimg-assistance to victims has included in their Numbers are also the victims of the second Generation, is for him a question of the interpretation of the victim concept. “In the case, that would be a very wide interpretation,” he says. Teichler suggests that an independent panel of experts on the applications to decide on the one-time payments, and not, as previously, a few sports psychologists, who are close to the DOH. The sport Committee Chairwoman Dagmar Freitag as: “A study on the possible damage in the second Generation should adopt an interdisciplinary approach, scientists from different disciplines would be involved.”

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doping victims help Claudia Lepping: “This is an invitation to fraud,”

Martin hermit

Whether the lending practices of the funds for the potential victims of the East German state doping is re-regulated, is completely open. The driving actors in the question, so the DOH, as well as the group Franke and Lepping, are completely estranged. The conflict, apparently, is not only to substantive issues but also with personal concerns. Franke himself was a founding member of the DOH. However, with the long-standing Chairman of the Association, Ines Geipel, fell out over it. The two were in Public. And this level, in the difficult debate needs really not a man. At the very least, the many Victims of the GDR-performance sports.