Premier League extra kilos are certainly this season and already a theme has been at Old Trafford, but yesterday showed Romelu Lukaku one of the great benefits of what’s more muscle mass. A true attack on his body, he slipped off as if he were just a speck of dust from his coat, wiped.

Manchester United – Southampton was a match not soon to be forgotten. Two wonderful goals from the Saints (see video below), a gem from Andreas Pereira, but also, and especially, again two goals from ‘Big Rom’. That made his nickname all the glory when he in the first half, at 0-1 for the visitors, the ball recupereerde along the sidelines and opdreef. Only with a flying attack menaced by Ryan Bertrand. The flankverdediger of Southampton (29) seemed to be a bit ‘Street Fighter’ to play. But despite the fact that the lijnrechter immediately flashy vlagde for an error, survived Lukaku the attack like it was nothing and he walked simply by. Referee Attwell gave advantage to the action Bertrand the more than deserved dark yellow under the nose to push.