“Theresa May lost my voice and the voices”

“Theresa Mays agreements fell by 149 votes.”

“His own voice had the prime minister already lost completely.”

” – Then you would hear how Jean-Claude Juncker is talking after our discussions, defended itself May in the house of commons.”

“Late on Monday night went the British prime minister, Theresa May, on a brief visit to the French Strasbourg for discussions on EU-utträdesavtal with the union’s president Jean-Claude Juncker. When she in on Tuesday, would try to win parliamentary votes – had she lost her own.”

“When May this time would speak in the house of commons, she has only to present a few words before she began to cough – which was a Labourledamot in the noisy house of commons to joke that she could not keep her speech.”

“– Okay, you may say it, but you would hear Jean-Claude Juncker vote as a result of our discussion, ” replied May.”

“the Symbolism of the lost voice when the prime contract was rejected by 391 against the 242 votes in the parliament quickly became a topic of discussion in tv studios, political columns, and in social media.”

“”A new total genomklappning for Theresa May,” the Tweet medieprofilen Piers Morgan.”

“”Her brexitplan is as dead as a dront. But, in any good conscience, she can continue as prime minister? She has lost his vote, his authority and even his voice. Now have well the only remaining possibility for her to resign?””

“After the vote erupted in a jubilation among the hundreds of brexitmotståndare with UNION flags gathered outside the parliament. Steve Bray, 49, known as ”Mr. Stop Brexit” and the day-in and day-out demonstrating for a re-election in the Westminster, agree with the former tabloidtidningschefredaktören Morgan.”

“– First she lost her voice, now she’ll just lose his job, he says to Aftonbladet.”

“– though we probably sounds, but, equally, she and I, I’ve been standing out here and yelling all day.”

“During the Wednesday vote in the uk parliament on whether Britain should leave the EUROPEAN union on 29 march without any agreement at all. Voted this down, so it will be on Thursday to vote on whether to postpone the EU-exit.”