last week, the Ringer of the Buena High School and those of Oakcrest in the US were state of New Jersey. Andrew Johnson was able to take up his fight after he had bowed to a decision of the arbitrator.

Because Johnson Rastas wearing, he wanted to fight with a hood. These must be worn according to the rules, when the hair comes through the ear lobe or the upper side of the Shirts touched. The referee, Alan Maloney asked the dark-skinned fighter, however, his Rastas to cut off. After some discussion, Johnson of a coach to let the hair to actually cut.

The Video of the incident goes viral. The decision of the arbitrator will be sharply criticized Maloney racism are accused of. Previously, he was with such accusations facing. Maloney decision is in politics as a theme. A spokesman for the attorney General of New Jersey, said the Department for civil rights had opened an investigation into the operations. (heg)

Created: 23.12.2018, 15:03 p.m.